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并联运行的优点 1、提高供电的可靠性 2、提高供电的经济性 3、提高电能的质量(主要是U和f)
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第一节: 社会主义革命在经济相对落后国家首先取得胜利 第二节:苏联共产党人对建设社会主义道路的探索
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一:什么叫生产 生产就是制造产品(有形产品),提供服务(无形产品)的过程性活动。 经济学上,用生产率(Productivity)来衡量生产系统的转换功能,表示生产要素的使用效率 (生产率=产出/投入) 生产率的提高主要取决于生产过程中如何充分有效地发挥生产要素的作用 提高效率,一般通过两种方式来达到这种目的:改进生产技术和改善管理
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一、综合治理的基本原理 (一)害虫综合治理的基本原理 控制园艺生态系中生物群落的物种组成,尽可能减 少园艺生态系中害虫的种类,增加有益生物的种类。 控制害虫种群数量,对已有害虫采用适当的方法, 压低害虫的种群基数、恶化其生存繁殖环境,或直接消 灭害虫。 控制害虫危害,在适于某种害虫大发生的地域种植 不适于其取食危害的作物或作物品种,调整作物播种期, 使作物易受为害造成经济损失的敏感期错开害虫发生期
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Chapter 7 develops the concept of efficiency and explores why many tasks are best left up to the market It presents the concept of economic surplus in detail and looks at how unregulated markets can generate the largest possible economic surplus Chapter 7: Efficiency and Exchange
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Chapter 6 presents the supply side of the market using an approach parallel to that of the demand side of the market in Chapter 5. The chapter presents the material in a way that illustrates the second core principle of the textbook, that marginal benefits should equal marginal costs Chapter 5 presents the demand curve as derived from marginal benefit and Chapter 6 presents the supply curve as derived from marginal costs
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1. Which of the following explains why automobile engines are smaller in England than in the united states?
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1. To say that someone needs a good is to suggest that he cannot choose to do without the good or buy a substitute for it. We are more likely to be mindful of the fact that almost all goods have substitutes if we speak of wants rather than needs 2. Even though we cannot actually
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1. Price changes affect quantity demanded for two reasons: They attractiveness of substitute goods and they alter the real value of the consumers purchasing power. The second effect grows larger as the share of the consumers
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Chapter 3 introduces markets and provides an overview of the supply and demand model. It begins by comparing central planning and the market as alternative methods of allocating resources Chapter 3-Supply and Demand: An Introduction Slide 3
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