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1.内膜一内皮下层薄层结缔组织 2.中膜—肌组织(平滑肌或心肌)+结缔组织 3.外膜疏松结缔组织
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Symptoms of Respiratory Disease Cough Sputum Haemoptysis Chest pain Breathlessness Wheeze
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Asthma is a Major Public Health Problem Nearly 5 million children have asthma(6.9% of children under 18) It is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses It is a leading cause of school absences
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Purulent Meningitis Acute infection of central nervous system(CNS). 90% of cases occur in the age of 1 mo-5yr. The inflammation of meninges caused by various bacteria. Common features in clinical practices include: fever, increased intracranial pressure, meningeal irritation
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Definitions Seizure(发作): sudden attack, spasm,or convulsion, as in epilepsy or another disorder Epileptic seizure(癫痫样发作): transient episode of abnormal and excessive neuronal activity in the brain that is apparent either to the subject or an observer
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一、[前言] 二、常见病多发病 三、包括:上、下呼吸道急慢性感染 四、呼吸道变态反应性疾病 五、胸膜疾病 六、呼吸道异物 七、先天性畸 八、肺部肿
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一、由多种炎性细胞(嗜酸性粒细胞,肥大细胞,T细胞等)和细胞组分参与的气道慢性炎症。 二、这种气道炎症使易感者对各种激发因子具有气道高反应性。 三、受刺激后引起气道缩窄
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一、概念: 1、急性肾小球肾炎(Acute glomerulonephritis) 2、病因不一 3、发病机理不一 4、起病急 5、临床:血尿、蛋白尿、水肿、高血压、肾小球滤过率
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一、定义: 又称尿感,是尿路内大量微生物繁殖而引起的尿路炎症(广义)。临床尿感主要指尿路的细菌感染(狭义)。 二、发病情况:
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一、泌尿系统包括: 1、肾脏 2、输尿管 3、膀胱 4、尿道
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