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1.General feature: (1) contain more cells and less extracellular ground substance (2) Polarisaton: ---free outer surface: face air or other things ---basal surface: face underlying CT, havebasement membrane (3) Avascularity,but innervation: ---no blood vessels ---rich in nerve terminals
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---skin is the largest organ of the body, it constitutes about 16% of body weight ---its total surface area is about 1.2-2.2 m2 ---function: protection, sensory reception, excretion and thermoregulation
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① Lymphocyte: a. T-lymphocytes: cytotoxic T cell: Tc C- kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and Tc C suppressor T cell: Ts C –regulate the function of BLC and TC
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1. Components: ---small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum ---endocrine gland: Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pituitary gland(hypophysis) Pineal body
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---small gland: fundis gland, small intestinal gland ---large gland: salivary gland, pancreas, liver
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1. Components ---kidney : produce urine ---ureters ---bladder -cavity organs, conduct, store and ---urethra remove the urine ---functions: remove waste products of metabolism regulate the homeostasis secrete some bioactive factors- renin, erythropoietin
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1. Components ---ovary: produce ovum secrete female sex hormones ---oviduct: duct for fertilized ovum(zygote) passing through place where fertilization takes place ---uterus: organ where the fetus grow up ---vagina
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---a science which study the processes and regulations of development of human fetus.(from 1 cell(zygote) to (5-7)X1012 cells ) ---total 38 weeks: preembryonic period: before 2 weeks
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(1) extra-embryonic blood vessels ---blood island: at the middle of 3 rd week, wall of the yolk sac mesenchyma proliferate and form isolated cell clusters, the peripheral cell become flattened and differentiate into endothelial cell to from endothelial tube; central located cells are detached and develop into primitive blood cells(blood stem cell)
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1、掌握流脑和乙脑的病因、病理变化。 2、熟悉阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病的病变特点。 3、了解中枢神经肿瘤共同生物学特性和胶质瘤一般病变特点
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