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Structure Rational constrained choice Computing ordinary demands – Interior solution (内在解) –Corner solution (角点解) – “Kinky” solution Example: Choosing taxes
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Structure Endowments Budget constraints with endowments Net demands Labor supply
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Contents Instructor and TAs Requirements Course outline An example: market for apartments
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Information in Competitive Markets In purely competitive markets all agents are fully informed about traded commodities and other aspects of the market. What about markets for medical services, or insurance, or used cars?
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Structure Definition Consumption externality Production externality The tragedy of commons
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Contents The Edgeworth (艾奇沃斯) Box Pareto improving trade Pareto Efficient Allocation The Core (核心) Trade in a competitive market Walras’ Law of general equilibrium (一般均衡)
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Structure Non-collusive moves – Simultaneous moves Quantity competition –Cournot model Price competition – Bertrand model – Sequential moves Quantity leadership – Stakelberg model Price leadership Collusion
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Structure Market environments Market demand for a competitive firm Short-run supply decision Upward sloping MC curve Shut-down condition Long-run supply decision Comparing long-run and short-rundecisions. Producer’s surplus and profits
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OTHER GOOD Rebating a Consumption tax based on inder RTP initial consumption RTP budget constraint Baseline
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