Characterizing personalization tech a Combining the profiling and the matchmaking classification PROFILING Simple Advanced Simple Content-based heuristics Rule- based matching MATCH Collaborative filtering heuristics MAKING Advanced Hybrid heuristics Future work? Model-based approaches Table 1. Existing personalization techniques according to their profiling and matchmaking onents a There has been very little prior work done for the lower right quadrant of table 1 Because most of the research has focused on single aspect There's an important research opportunity in personalization technologies CEBT Center for E-Business Technology Copyright o 2008 by CEBTCopyright © 2008 by CEBT Characterizing Personalization Tech.  Combining the profiling and the matchmaking classification,  There has been very little prior work done for the lower right quadrant of Table 1 ◼ Because most of the research has focused on single aspect ◼ There’s an important research opportunity in personalization technologies Center for E-Business Technology
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