Future Work on personalization process a The integration of advanced profiling and matchmaking techniques 口 Other issues Degree of personalization, privacy scalability, trustworthiness intrusiveness, and usage of various metrics to measure effectiveness of personalization In the context of the process-oriented view of personalization Understanding the dynamics between various stages Understand how much each stage contributes We need sophisticated evaluation metrics, and methods Feedback should be integrated carefully a The process-oriented view suggests the importance and the need for vertical personalization research CEBT Center for E-Business Technology Copyright o 2008 by CEBTCopyright © 2008 by CEBT Future Work on Personalization Process  The integration of advanced profiling and matchmaking techniques  Other Issues ◼ Degree of personalization, privacy, scalability, trustworthiness, intrusiveness, and usage of various metrics to measure effectiveness of personalization  In the context of the process-oriented view of personalization ◼ Understanding the dynamics between various stages – Understand how much each stage contributes ◼ We need sophisticated evaluation metrics, and methods ◼ Feedback should be integrated carefully  The process-oriented view suggests the importance and the need for vertical personalization research Center for E-Business Technology
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