山东大学2016-2017学年2学期数字信号处理(双语)课程试卷(B) 签 得分卷人 3.(10 pts)A discrete-time causal LTI system has the system function: (1+3z-4) H日)=1+0.52 Find expressions for a minimum-phase systemH()and an all-pass system H()such 家 that H()=H()H(). 游 海分圆卷人 5.(15 pts)The system function H(z)for an LTI system is as following. Find the impulse response hn],and draw the signal flow graph of parallel-form structure for the system. 1+2:+ H(日)=1-0.75+0.125. 器 将分侧卷人 4.(10 pts)Determine the group delay for0<<for the following sequences: 周 第2项共4页2016-2017 2 数字信号处理(双语) (B) 2 4 3.(10 pts) A discrete-time causal LTI system has the system function: Find expressions for a minimum-phase system and an all-pass system such that . 4.(10 pts) Determine the group delay for 0 < ω < π for the following sequences: 5.(15 pts) The system function H(z) for an LTI system is as following. Find the impulse response h[n], and draw the signal flow graph of parallel-form structure for the system. 得分 阅卷人 得分 阅卷人 得分 阅卷人 ( ) min ( ) ( ) H z H z H z = ap H z min ( ) ( ) H z ap ( ) ( ) 1 1 1 3 . 1 0.5 z H z z − − + = +   1 1 1 2 2 n n x n −     = +         ( ) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 0.75 0.125 − − − − + + = − + z z H z z z
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