山东大学2016-2017学年2学期数字信号处理(双语)课程试卷(B) 得分间卷人 6.(15 pts)Consider a causal continuous-time system with impulse response h(t)and system function()= 3x+2 Assume the sampling time is T=0.I s,use impulse invariance to determine H(z)for a discrete-time system such that hin]=The(nT). 签 家 得分圆卷人 8.(10 pts)Draw the signal flow graph for an 8-point decimation-in-time FFTalgorithm with bit-reversed ordering of the input time sequence x[n] and normal ordering of the output sequence X[k]. 得分 卷人 7.(15 pts)Compute the N-point circular convolution for the following sequences:xi(n)=1,-1,1,-11,x2(n)=(2,1,1,21, (a)N=4;(b)N=8;(c)Determine the minimum N when circular convolution equals to linear convolution. 器 第3项共4页2016-2017 2 数字信号处理(双语) (B) 3 4 6. (15 pts) Consider a causal continuous-time system with impulse response hc(t) and system function 2 3 2 ( ) 2 3 1 c s H s s s + = + + . Assume the sampling time is T = 0.1 s, use impulse invariance to determine H(z) for a discrete-time system such that h[n]= Thc(nT). 7.(15 pts) Compute the N-point circular convolution for the following sequences: x1(n)={1,-1,1,-1}, x2(n)={2,1,1,2}, (a) N=4; (b) N=8; (c) Determine the minimum N when circular convolution equals to linear convolution. 8.(10 pts) Draw the signal flow graph for an 8-point decimation-in-time FFT algorithm with bit-reversed ordering of the input time sequence x[n] and normal ordering of the output sequence X[k]. 得分 阅卷人 得分 阅卷人 得分 阅卷人
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