好地拓展财务管理知识体系中的广度,深度和温度,引导学生树立正确的价值观,着 重培育学生经世济民、诚信服务、德法兼修的职业素养。财务管理与企业生产经营过 程密切相关,本课程旨在通过将“思政育人”与专业教育有机融合,寓价值观引导于 专业知识传授之中,使本课程与思想政治理论课形成协同效应,引导学生正确理解财 务管理理论和方法,更好地服务于企业经营、行业发展以及国家经济运行。 PA(P1)AFM (P4) CR (P2) FM (F9) MA (F2) Teaching aims: To apply relevant knowledge,skills and exercise professional judgement as expected of a senior financial executive or advisor,in taking or recommending decisions relating to the financial management of an organisation in private and public sectors On successful completion of this paper.students should be able to: a Explain and evaluate the role and responsibility of the senior financial executive or advisor in meeting conflicting needs of stakehokders and recognize the role of international financial institutions in the financial management of multinationals. B.Evaluate potential investment decisions and assessing their financial and strategic consequences,bothdomestically and internationally. C.Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an altemative growth strategy. D.Evaluate and advise onaltemative corporate re-organisation strategies. EApply and evaluate altemative advanced treasury and risk management techniques. F.Curriculum ideology 四、教学内容及要求 Role of senior financial adviser in the multinational organisation (一)目的与要求 1.The role and responsibility of senior financial executive/advisor 2.Financial strategy formulation 3.Ethical and governance issues 2 好地拓展财务管理知识体系中的广度,深度和温度,引导学生树立正确的价值观,着 重培育学生经世济民、诚信服务、德法兼修的职业素养。财务管理与企业生产经营过 程密切相关,本课程旨在通过将“思政育人”与专业教育有机融合,寓价值观引导于 专业知识传授之中,使本课程与思想政治理论课形成协同效应,引导学生正确理解财 务管理理论和方法,更好地服务于企业经营、行业发展以及国家经济运行。 Teaching aims: To apply relevant knowledge, skills and exercise professional judgement as expected of a senior financial executive or advisor, in taking or recommending decisions relating to the financial management of an organisation in private and public sectors. On successful completion of this paper, students should be able to: A.Explain and evaluate the role and responsibility of the senior financial executive or advisor in meeting conflicting needs of stakeholders and recognize the role of international financial institutions in the financial management of multinationals. B.Evaluate potential investment decisions and assessing their financial and strategic consequences, both domestically and internationally. C.Assess and plan acquisitions and mergers as an alternative growth strategy. D.Evaluate and advise on alternative corporate re-organisation strategies. E .Apply and evaluate alternative advanced treasury and risk management techniques. F. Curriculum ideology 四、教学内容及要求 第一章 Role of senior financial adviser in the multinational organisation (一) 目的与要求 1. The role and responsibility of senior financial executive/advisor 2. Financial strategy formulation 3. Ethical and governance issues
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