第11卷第1期 智能系统学报 Vol.11 No.1 2016年2月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Feh.2016 D0I:10.11992/is.201507073 网络出版地址:htp:/www.cmki.net/kcms/detail/23.1538.tp.201509030.1456.002.html Efficient tracker based on sparse coding with Euclidean local structure-based constraint WANG Hongyuan',ZHANG Ji',CHEN Fuhua2 (1.School of Information Science and Engineering,Changzhou University,Changzhou,Jiangsu,China 213164;2.Department of Nat- ural Science and Mathematics,West Liberty University,West Virginia,United States 26074) Abstract:Sparse coding (SC)based visual tracking(I-tracker)is gaining increasing attention,and many related algorithms are developed.In these algorithms,each candidate region is sparsely represented as a set of target tem- plates.However,the structure connecting these candidate regions is usually ignored.Lu proposed an NLSSC-tracker with non-local self-similarity sparse coding to address this issue,which has a high computational cost.In this study, we propose an Euclidean local-structure constraint based sparse coding tracker with a smoothed Euclidean local structure.With this tracker,the optimization procedure is transformed to a small-scale I,-optimization problem,sig- nificantly reducing the computational cost.Extensive experimental results on visual tracking demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Keywords:euclidean local-structure constraint;I,-tracker;sparse coding;target tracking CLC Number:TP18;TP301.6 Document Code:A Article ID:1673-4785(2016)01-0136-12 Citation:WANG Hongyuan,ZHANG Ji,CHEN Fuhua.Efficient tracker based on sparse coding with Euclidean local struc- ture-based constraint[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems,2016,11(1):136-147. Recently,visual target tracking was widely used Based on sparse coding (SC;also referred to as in security surveillance,navigation,human-computer sparse sensing or compressive sensing)(7,Mei pro- interaction,and other applications(2.In a video se- posed an I-tracker for generative trackings,ad- quence,targets for tracking often change dynamically dressing occlusion,corruption,and some other chal- and uncertainly because of disturbance phenomena lenging issues.However,this tracker incurs a very such as occlusion,noisy and varying illumination,and high computational cost to achieve efficient tracking object appearance.Many tracking algorithms were pro- (see section 2.1 and Fig.1 for details),and the local posed in the last twenty years that can be divided into structures of similar regions are ignored,which may two categories:generative tracking and discriminant cause the instability and even failure of the I-tracker. tracking algorithms Generative algorithms (e.g., Indeed,the sparse coefficients,for representing six eigen tracker,mean-shift tracker,incremental tracker, similar regions (CR-CR)under ten template regions covariance tracker[2])adopt appearance models to ex- (T-To)with original l,-tracker,are diversified (Fig. press the target observations,whereas discriminant al- 3).Considering CR,and CR,for example,we can gorithms (e.g.,TLD3],ensemble tracking,and see that although the latter is almost the partial occlu- MILTrack[s])view tracking as a classification prob- sion version of the former,their sparse representations lem,thus attempting to distinguish the target from the are very different.Tracking CR(the woman's face) backgrounds.Here,we present a new generative algo- may fail,because the tracker is likely to incorrectly rithm. consider the region Ts(the book)as its target. Received Date:2015-07-31.Online Pulication:2015-09-30. Contrary to expectations,Xu proved that a sparse Foundation Item:National Natural Foundation of China under Grant (61572085,61502058). algorithm cannot be stable and that similar signals may Corresponding Author:Hongyuan Wang.E-mail:hywang@cczu.edu.cn. not exhibit similar sparse coefficients Thus,a第 11 卷第 1 期 智 能 系 统 学 报 Vol.11 №.1 2016 年 2 月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Feb. 2016 DOI:10.11992 / tis.201507073 网络出版地址:http: / / www.cnki.net / kcms/ detail / 23.1538.tp.201509030.1456.002.html Efficient tracker based on sparse coding with Euclidean local structure⁃based constraint WANG Hongyuan 1 , ZHANG Ji 1 , CHEN Fuhua 2 (1. School of Information Science and Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China 213164; 2. Department of Nat⁃ ural Science and Mathematics, West Liberty University, West Virginia, United States 26074) Abstract:Sparse coding (SC) based visual tracking (l 1 ⁃tracker) is gaining increasing attention, and many related algorithms are developed. In these algorithms, each candidate region is sparsely represented as a set of target tem⁃ plates. However, the structure connecting these candidate regions is usually ignored. Lu proposed an NLSSC⁃tracker with non⁃local self⁃similarity sparse coding to address this issue, which has a high computational cost. In this study, we propose an Euclidean local⁃structure constraint based sparse coding tracker with a smoothed Euclidean local structure. With this tracker, the optimization procedure is transformed to a small⁃scale l 1 ⁃optimization problem, sig⁃ nificantly reducing the computational cost. Extensive experimental results on visual tracking demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Keywords:euclidean local⁃structure constraint; l 1 ⁃tracker; sparse coding; target tracking CLC Number:TP18; TP301.6 Document Code:A Article ID:1673⁃4785(2016)01⁃0136⁃12 Citation:WANG Hongyuan, ZHANG Ji, CHEN Fuhua. Efficient tracker based on sparse coding with Euclidean local struc⁃ ture⁃based constraint[J]. CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems, 2016, 11(1): 136⁃147. Received Date:2015⁃07⁃31. Online Pulication:2015⁃09⁃30. Foundation Item: National Natural Foundation of China under Grant (61572085,61502058). Corresponding Author:Hongyuan Wang. E⁃mail: hywang@ cczu.edu.cn. Recently, visual target tracking was widely used in security surveillance, navigation, human⁃computer interaction, and other applications [1⁃2] . In a video se⁃ quence, targets for tracking often change dynamically and uncertainly because of disturbance phenomena such as occlusion, noisy and varying illumination, and object appearance. Many tracking algorithms were pro⁃ posed in the last twenty years that can be divided into two categories: generative tracking and discriminant tracking algorithms [1⁃2] . Generative algorithms ( e. g., eigen tracker, mean⁃shift tracker, incremental tracker, covariance tracker [2] ) adopt appearance models to ex⁃ press the target observations, whereas discriminant al⁃ gorithms ( e. g., TLD [3] , ensemble tracking [4] , and MILTrack [5] ) view tracking as a classification prob⁃ lem, thus attempting to distinguish the target from the backgrounds. Here, we present a new generative algo⁃ rithm. Based on sparse coding ( SC; also referred to as sparse sensing or compressive sensing) [6⁃7] , Mei pro⁃ posed an l 1 ⁃tracker for generative tracking [8⁃9] , ad⁃ dressing occlusion, corruption, and some other chal⁃ lenging issues. However, this tracker incurs a very high computational cost to achieve efficient tracking (see section 2.1 and Fig.1 for details), and the local structures of similar regions are ignored, which may cause the instability and even failure of the l 1 ⁃tracker. Indeed, the sparse coefficients, for representing six similar regions (CR1 -CR6 ) under ten template regions ( T1 -T10 ) with original l 1 ⁃tracker, are diversified (Fig. 3). Considering CR1 and CR4 , for example, we can see that although the latter is almost the partial occlu⁃ sion version of the former, their sparse representations are very different. Tracking CR4 ( the woman􀆳s face) may fail, because the tracker is likely to incorrectly consider the region T8(the book) as its target. Contrary to expectations, Xu proved that a sparse algorithm cannot be stable and that similar signals may not exhibit similar sparse coefficients [10] . Thus, a
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