同濟大学 Market Size Hypothesis TONGJI UNIVERSITY Checklist:Market Size Goal:Estimate the total market If assessing an existing or resegmented opportunity for the company market,adjacent markets that customers might switch from are considered Estimated market size: TAM or Total Available Market -Will the startup's product encourage switching? ■ SAM or Served Available Market -Only the switchable subset counted Target MarkeProduct Benefits List (Beware of long-term lock-ins from incumbents) Estimate current product and follow-on products -Growth computed for all customer sources over 3-5 years Appropriate metric for measuring defermined If assessing a new market,the opportunities are estimated based on -Units/dollars/page views/other proxies and ad jacent markets measures? -Are there comparable companies? -Per member for subscription services/per page view for advertising- Have others grown as fast as the supported businesses? estimate? ■ Research conducted to "size"the overall -Why will this company perform similarly? market Exit criteria: -Read industry analyst reports,market research reports,competitors'press Written sense of market size,estimate of releases,etc. how much the company can capture -Talk with investors and customers Pass/Fail tests identifiedChecklist: Market Size Goal: Estimate the total market opportunity for the company Estimated market size:  TAM or Total Available Market  SAM or Served Available Market  Target MarkeProduct Benefits List Estimate current product and follow-on products  Appropriate metric for measuring determined - Units/dollars/page views/other measures? - Per member for subscription services/per page view for advertising- supported businesses?  Research conducted to “size” the overall market - Read industry analyst reports, market research reports, competitors’ press releases, etc. -Talk with investors and customers  If assessing an existing or resegmented market, adjacent markets that customers might switch from are considered - Will the startup’s product encourage switching? -Only the switchable subset counted (Beware of long-term lock-ins from incumbents) - Growth computed for all customer sources over 3-5 years  If assessing a new market, the opportunities are estimated based on proxies and adjacent markets - Are there comparable companies? - Have others grown as fast as the estimate? - Why will this company perform similarly? Exit criteria:  Written sense of market size, estimate of how much the company can capture Pass/Fail tests identified Market Size Hypothesis
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