同濟大学 Market Size Hypothesis TONGJI UNIVERSITY Sizing the Web/Mobile Market Another way to approach the market-sizing question is the “30/10/10”law of web/mobile“physics” 30%of registered users and those downloading mobile apps will use the service each month 10%of registered users and those downloading mobile apps will use the service each day ■ Concurrent users of a real-time service will seldom exceed 10%of the number of daily users ---Fred Wilson, a leading venture capitalist Market Size Hypothesis Sizing the Web/Mobile Market Another way to approach the market-sizing question is the “30/10/10” law of web/mobile “physics”  30% of registered users and those downloading mobile apps will use the service each month  10% of registered users and those downloading mobile apps will use the service each day  Concurrent users of a real-time service will seldom exceed 10% of the number of daily users ---Fred Wilson, a leading venture capitalist
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