第24卷第1期 中国土地科学 2010年1月 China Land science 山西省适垦耕地及其空间分异特征 安祥生1,徐勇2,汤青2 太原师范学院,山西太原030012:2.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101 摘要:研究目的:分析山西省适垦耕地在空间上的分布和差异性,为山西省未来耕地保护政策的制定提供宏观性参考依 据。研究方法:基于GB空间分析技术,利用数字地形高程图生成地形高程和坡度分级图,通过将地形高程分级图、地形 坡度分级图、2000年耕地分布图和分县行政区划图的叠加,提取2000年分县耕地地形分异数据,计算2005年分县适垦 耕地面积。研究结果:(1山西省耕地的地形分异特点是随着地形坡度的增加,耕地面积均呈下降的趋势:(2适垦耕地的 空间分异主要受地形条件控制,地形平缓的黄土塬面、盆地和河谷适垦耕地指数一般都在40%以上,而地形起伏较大的 山地和丘陵地区指数值普遍较小:(3人均适垦耕地面积空间分布的总体特征是河谷、盆地少,黄土塬、丘陵低山多,人均 适垦耕地面积在2亩/人以下的地域主要集中在太原、临汾等盆地 关键词:土地利用:适垦耕地:空间分异:山西省 中图分类号:F3012 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8158(201001-0037-06 Cultivable farmland in Shanxi Province and its Spatial differentiation Characteristics aN X iang-sheng, XU Yong, TaNG Q ing2 (1. Taiyuan Norm al U niversity, Taiyuan 030012, China; 2. Institu te of G ograph ical Sciences and N atral R esources R esearch, CA, Beijing 100101, China) Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analysis the spatial differen tiation of cultivab le farm land in Shanxi Province in order to provide m acroscop ic references for m ak ing future policy in Shanxi Province. m ethod em p lyed is based spatial analysis m ethods of G Is, using the digital terain elevation m ap to generate the terrain elevation and sbpe classification m ap, and then extract the coun ty-level farm land terrain differen tiation data in 2000 and calcu late the area of county-level cu ltivab le farm land in 2005 through the superposition of the terrain elevation classification m ap, terrain slope classification m ap, distrbution m ap of farm land in 2000 and the coun ty- level adm in istrative division m ap. The results indicate: (1 the characteristic of terrain d ifferentiation in Province is that the farm land area shrinks com pan ied w ith the terrain shpe increase; (2) the spatial differentiation of cu ltivab le farm land is m ain ly con trolled by the topograph ic condition farm land cu ltivab le indexes of bess tab eland, basins and valleys w ith gen tle terrain are usually bwer; (3)the general spatial distribution characteristic of per capita cultivable area is that the area values usually above 40%, how ever, the indexes of m oun tainous and hilly areas w ith rem arkab le topographic relieves an valleys and basins are lower than those in bess tab leland and hilly areas: regions w ith the vales of per capita 收稿日期:2009-09-13 修稿日期:2009-12-20 基金项目2国家科技支撑让划顺目(200BAE10国家自然科学基金顽目(471086arightsreserved.htp:/www.cnki.net 第一作者:安祥生(1964-),男,山西高平人,教授。主要研究方向为土地利用规划、经济地理与区域可持续发展。E-mai:71207790163c0m收稿日期:2009- 09- 13 修稿日期:2009- 12- 20 基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD09B10);国家自然科学基金项目(40771086)。 第一作者:安祥生(1964-),男,山西高平人,教授。主要研究方向为土地利用规划、经济地理与区域可持续发展。E-mail: 7120779@163.com 中 国 土 地 科 学 China Land Science Vol.24 No.1 Jan.,2010 第 24 卷 第 1 期 2010 年 1 月 Cultivable Farmland in Shanxi Province and Its Spatial Differentiation Characteristics AN Xiang-sheng1 , XU Yong2 , TANG Qing2 (1. Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan 030012, China; 2. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China) Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analysis the spatial differentiation of cultivable farmland in Shanxi Province in order to provide macroscopic references for making future policy in Shanxi Province. Method employed is based on spatial analysis methods of GIS, using the digital terrain elevation map to generate the terrain elevation and slope classification map, and then extract the county-level farmland terrain differentiation data in 2000 and calculate the area of county-level cultivable farmland in 2005 through the superposition of the terrain elevation classification map, terrain slope classification map, distribution map of farmland in 2000 and the county-level administrative division map. The results indicate:(1)the characteristic of terrain differentiation in Shanxi Province is that the farmland area shrinks companied with the terrain slope increase;(2)the spatial differentiation of cultivable farmland is mainly controlled by the topographic condition; farmland cultivable indexes of loess tableland, basins and valleys with gentle terrain are usually above 40% , however, the indexes of mountainous and hilly areas with remarkable topographic relieves are usually lower;(3)the general spatial distribution characteristic of per capita cultivable area is that the area values in valleys and basins are lower than those in loess tableland and hilly areas; regions with the values of per capita 山西省适垦耕地及其空间分异特征 安祥生 1 ,徐 勇 2 ,汤 青 2 (1. 太原师范学院,山西 太原 030012;2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101) 摘要:研究目的:分析山西省适垦耕地在空间上的分布和差异性,为山西省未来耕地保护政策的制定提供宏观性参考依 据。研究方法:基于 GIS 空间分析技术,利用数字地形高程图生成地形高程和坡度分级图,通过将地形高程分级图、地形 坡度分级图、2000 年耕地分布图和分县行政区划图的叠加,提取 2000 年分县耕地地形分异数据,计算 2005 年分县适垦 耕地面积。研究结果:(1)山西省耕地的地形分异特点是随着地形坡度的增加,耕地面积均呈下降的趋势;(2)适垦耕地的 空间分异主要受地形条件控制,地形平缓的黄土塬面、盆地和河谷适垦耕地指数一般都在 40%以上,而地形起伏较大的 山地和丘陵地区指数值普遍较小;(3)人均适垦耕地面积空间分布的总体特征是河谷、盆地少,黄土塬、丘陵低山多,人均 适垦耕地面积在 2 亩 / 人以下的地域主要集中在太原、临汾等盆地。 关键词:土地利用;适垦耕地;空间分异;山西省 中图分类号:F301.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8158(2010)01-0037-06
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