第2期 刘嘉斌等:C一Ag合金中析出相界面结构及其对合金性能的影响 .215. 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KEY WORDS Cu Ag;hardness:resistivity;precipitate;interface[3] Schneider-Muntau H J‚Han K‚Bednar N A‚et al.Materials for 100T monocoil magnets.IEEE Trans Appl Supercond‚2004‚14 (2):1153 [4] Pantsyrnyi V I.Status and perspectives for microcomposite wind￾ing materials for high field pulsed magnets.IEEE Trans Appl Su￾percond‚2002‚12(1):1189 [5] Hong S I‚Hill M A.Microstructural stability and mechanical re￾sponse to Cu-Ag microcomposite wires.Acta Mater‚1998‚46 (12):4111 [6] Han K‚Embury J D‚Sims J R‚et al.The fabrication‚properties and microstructure of Cu-Ag and Cu-Nb composite conductors. Mater Sci Eng‚1999‚A267:99 [7] Sakai Y‚Schneider-muntau H J.Ultra-high strength high con￾ductivity Cu-Ag alloy wires.Acta Mater‚1997‚45:1017 [8] 张雷‚孟亮.应变程度对 Cu-12%Ag 合金纤维相形成及导电 性能的影响.金属学报‚2005‚41(3):255 [9] 张雷‚孟亮.纤维相强化 Cu-12%Ag 合金的组织和力学性能. 中国有色金属学报‚2005‚15(5):751 [10] Benghalem A‚Morris D G.Microstructure and strength of wire￾drawn Cu-Ag filamentary composites.Acta Mater‚1997‚45: 397 [11] Sakai Y‚Inoue K‚Asano T‚et al.Development of high￾strength‚high-conductivity Cu-Ag alloys for high-field pulsed magnet use.Appl Phys Lett‚1991‚59(23):2965 [12] Lim M S‚Song J S‚Hong S I.Microstructure and mechanical stability of Cu-6wt.%Ag alloy.J Mater Sci‚2000‚35:4557 [13] Frommeyer G‚Wassermann G.Microstructure and anomalous mechanical properties of in situ-produced silver-copper composite wires.Acta Metall‚1975‚23:1353 [14] Zhang L‚Meng L‚Liu J B.Effect of Cr addition on the mi￾crostructure‚mechanical and electrical characteristics of Cu-6 wt.%Ag microcomposites.Scripta Mater‚2005‚52:587 [15] Zhang L‚Meng L.Microstructure and properties of Cu-Ag‚ Cu-Ag-Cr and Cu-Ag-Cr-RE alloys.Mater Sci Technol‚ 2003‚19:75 [16] Hirota T‚Imai A‚Kumano T‚et al.Development of Cu-Ag alloys conductor for high field magnet.IEEE Trans Magn‚ 1994‚30(4):1891 [17] Sakai Y‚Inoue K‚Asano T‚et al.Development of a high strength‚high conductivity copper-silver alloy for pulsed mag￾nets.IEEE Trans Magn‚1992‚28(1):288 [18] Han K‚Vasquez A A‚Xin Y‚et al.Microstructure and tensile properties of nanostructured Cu-25wt%Ag. Acta Mater‚ 2003‚51:767 [19] Grünberger W‚Heilmaier M‚Schultz L.Microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-Ag microcomposites for conductor wires in pulsed high-field magnets.Z Metallkd‚2002‚93:58 [20] Gaganov A‚Freudenberger J‚ Grünberger W‚ et al. Mi￾crostructural evolution and its effect on the mechanical properties of Cu-Ag microcomposites.Z Metallkd‚2004‚95:425 [21] 李振铎‚张雷‚孟亮.稀土元素对 Cu-6%Ag 及 Cu-24%Ag 合金微观组织的影响.中国稀土学报‚2005‚23(3):334 [22] Hong S I‚Hill M A.Mechanical stability and electrical conduc￾tivity of Cu-Ag filamentary microcomposites.Mater Sci Eng‚ 1999‚A264:151 [23] Heringhaus F‚Schneider-Muntau H J‚Gottstein G.Analytical modeling of the electrical conductivity of metal matrix compos￾ites:application to Ag-Cu and Cu-Nb.Mater Sci Eng‚2003‚ A347:9 Interface structure between Ag precipitates and Cu matrix and its effect on the properties of the Cu-Ag alloy LIU Jiabin 1)‚ZENG Y uew u 2)‚ZHA NG Lei 3)‚MENG L iang 1) 1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering‚Zhejiang University‚Hangzhou310027‚China 2) Center of Analysis and Measurement‚Zhejiang University‚Hangzhou310028‚China 3) Materials Science and Engineering School‚University of Science and Technology Beijing‚Beijing100083‚China ABSTRACT The Cu-6%Ag and Cu-24%Ag were cast and annealed or aging treated to precipitate Ag sec￾ondary particles from supersaturated Cu matrix.The interface and orientation relationship between Ag precipi￾tates and Cu matrix were investigated.The effect of Ag precipitates on the mechanical and electrical properties of the alloys was discussed.There are a strict orientation relationship‚(100)Cu ∥(100)Ag and 〈110〉Cu ∥ 〈110〉Ag‚and sem-i coherence interface between Ag precipitates and Cu matrix.One dislocation exists in average nine (111)Cu lattice intervals to adjust the lattice misfit at the interface.The strict orientation relationship and sem-i coherence interface may produce significant strengthening affect and hardly increase the electron scattering in the alloys.With prolonging aging time the amount of Ag precipitates and the hardness of the alloys increase but the electrical resistivity decreases.The changes of the amount‚morphology and interface structure of the precipitates should be responsible for the change of the properties during aging treatment. KEY WORDS Cu-Ag;hardness;resistivity;precipitate;interface 第2期 刘嘉斌等: Cu-Ag 合金中析出相界面结构及其对合金性能的影响 ·215·
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