能展现出最好的自己。 突围最难就业季:沪江求职季专题>> With minutes to go: 面试几分钟前: 1.Turn off your phone.It's a no-brainer,but nothing screams "unprofessional"quite like a vibrating purse-not to mention a loud, awkward ringtone. 1,关闭手机:这好像是无需用脑理所当然的事,但没有什么比 面试时手机震动更体现你的“不专业”了一更不用说响起大声又尴 尬的铃声。 2.Drink up:Bring a full water bottle to sip throughout the day.Once you reach the office,kindly accept any drink offers from the receptionist in case your mouth dries out midinterview. 2.喝水:在面试的这天带上一整瓶水。一旦到了办公室,欣然 接受接待员提供的任何饮料,以防你在面试中感到口干舌燥。 3.Take deep breaths,inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.Anxious butterflies can cause headaches and hazy vision,so concentrate on breathing to clear your mind. 3.深呼吸,用鼻子吸气、嘴巴吐气。紧张会引起头痛和视觉模 糊,所以用心深呼吸,理清你的思路。 4.Smile.Attitude is everything,and positivity packs the greatest 能展现出最好的自己。 突围最难就业季:沪江求职季专题>>> With minutes to go: 面试几分钟前: 1. Turn off your phone. It's a no-brainer, but nothing screams "unprofessional" quite like a vibrating purse — not to mention a loud, awkward ringtone. 1. 关闭手机:这好像是无需用脑理所当然的事,但没有什么比 面试时手机震动更体现你的“不专业”了——更不用说响起大声又尴 尬的铃声。 2. Drink up: Bring a full water bottle to sip throughout the day. Once you reach the office, kindly accept any drink offers from the receptionist in case your mouth dries out midinterview. 2. 喝水:在面试的这天带上一整瓶水。一旦到了办公室,欣然 接受接待员提供的任何饮料,以防你在面试中感到口干舌燥。 3. Take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Anxious butterflies can cause headaches and hazy vision, so concentrate on breathing to clear your mind. 3. 深呼吸,用鼻子吸气、嘴巴吐气。紧张会引起头痛和视觉模 糊,所以用心深呼吸,理清你的思路。 4. Smile. Attitude is everything, and positivity packs the greatest
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