for a morning touch-up.Include a tin of mints and avoid gum in case you forget to throw it away beforehand. 3.用小包包装好所有清洁必需品:牙线、除臭剂、化妆镜等, 如果你想让自己在早上看上去更精神,也要带上可能需要用到的化妆 品。准备一罐薄荷糖,别吃口香糖,以防你在面试前忘记把它吐掉。 如何更好准备面试?外企面试英语班来帮你! One hour prior: 面试一小时前: 1.Call a friend for a quick conversation that will place you in a lighter frame of mind.Try not to talk about your interview.Instead,focus on carefree,upbeat topics that will put you at ease. 1,打电话给朋友简短交流下,这样会放松些。尽量不要提到面 试,而把话题聚焦在轻松愉快、乐观向上的事,这样就不会那么紧张 了。 2.Turn up the volume to amp up your energy.Nobody wants to talk to a tired deadbeat,let alone hire one.Companies want lively, enthusiastic employees,so listen to your favorite fast-tempo songs.Let yourself loosen up so that your personality can shine. 2.提高音量、为小宇宙积蓄能量。没有人愿意跟看上去疲惫、 死气沉沉的人聊天,更不用说聘用他们了。公司希望员工活力四射、 热情满满,所以听一些你最喜欢的快节奏的歌。让你自己放松,这样 for a morning touch-up. Include a tin of mints and avoid gum in case you forget to throw it away beforehand. 3. 用小包包装好所有清洁必需品:牙线、除臭剂、化妆镜等, 如果你想让自己在早上看上去更精神,也要带上可能需要用到的化妆 品。准备一罐薄荷糖,别吃口香糖,以防你在面试前忘记把它吐掉。 如何更好准备面试?外企面试英语班来帮你! One hour prior: 面试一小时前: 1. Call a friend for a quick conversation that will place you in a lighter frame of mind. Try not to talk about your interview. Instead, focus on carefree, upbeat topics that will put you at ease. 1. 打电话给朋友简短交流下,这样会放松些。尽量不要提到面 试,而把话题聚焦在轻松愉快、乐观向上的事,这样就不会那么紧张 了。 2. Turn up the volume to amp up your energy. Nobody wants to talk to a tired deadbeat, let alone hire one. Companies want lively, enthusiastic employees, so listen to your favorite fast-tempo songs. Let yourself loosen up so that your personality can shine. 2. 提高音量、为小宇宙积蓄能量。没有人愿意跟看上去疲惫、 死气沉沉的人聊天,更不用说聘用他们了。公司希望员工活力四射、 热情满满,所以听一些你最喜欢的快节奏的歌。让你自己放松,这样
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