PERE Functions and classifications of snubbers Functions 4 Limiting voltages applied to devices during turn -off transients 4 Limiting device currents during turn-on transients 4 Limiting device current rising rate(di/dt) at device turn-on 4 Limiting the rate of rise(du/dt)of voltages across devices during device turn-off 4 Shaping the switching trajectory of the device classifications 4 According to different switching transients Turn-off snubber(sometimes just called snubber) Turn -on snubber 4 According to the treatment of energy Power dissipating snubber Lossless snubberPower Electron cs i 13 Functions and classifications of Functions and classifications of snubbers snubbers Functions Functions Limiting voltages applied to devices during turn Limiting voltages applied to devices during turn -off transients off transients Limiting device currents during turn Limiting device currents during turn -on transients on transients Limiting device current rising rate ( Limiting device current rising rate (di /dt) at device turn ) at device turn -on Limiting the rate of rise (du/ Limiting the rate of rise (du/dt) of voltages across devices ) of voltages across devices during dev during device turn ice turn -off Shaping the switching trajectory of the dev Shaping the switching trajectory of the device Classifications Classifications According to different switching transients According to different switching transients – Turn -off snubber snubber (sometimes just called (sometimes just called snubber snubber) – Turn -on snubber snubber According to the treatment of energy According to the treatment of energy – Power dissipating Power dissipating snubber snubber – Lossless Lossless snubber snubber
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