Part Four:Writing and Translation >Translation Return ●●●●●●●● 2)Especially in technical areas,things are changing ● rapidly that the most one can hope to get out of an ● undergraduate education is the ability to learn.For that ● ● memorizing facts will not be nearly as useful as gaining ● the ability to apply them in relevant situation. ● ● 尤其在技术领域,变化如此迅速,以至于我们从本科教育中 ● 所能期望的最大收益是学习能力的培养。因此,记住事实不 ● 如获取应用的能力。 ● ● ● ● 3)Tests are the easiest way for professors to accurately gauge the amount a student is learning,at least in larger ● classes. 对教授们来说,考试是评估学生掌握了多少知识的最为简易 的方法,至少在比较大的班级是如此。 ●3) Tests are the easiest way for professors to accurately gauge the amount a student is learning, at least in larger classes. 2) Especially in technical areas, things are changing so rapidly that the most one can hope to get out of an undergraduate education is the ability to learn. For that, memorizing facts will not be nearly as useful as gaining the ability to apply them in relevant situation. Part Four: Writing and Translation >> Translation 尤其在技术领域,变化如此迅速,以至于我们从本科教育中 所能期望的最大收益是学习能力的培养。因此,记住事实不 如获取应用的能力。 对教授们来说,考试是评估学生掌握了多少知识的最为简易 的方法,至少在比较大的班级是如此
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