12 肯定被捕而告终的侦探剧。 11从酒店提供的“周末谋杀奇案”活动也可以看出侦探小说有多么流行。客人们 扮演那些经典侦探小说中的嫌疑人,用一个周末的时间来找出他们中的哪一个是“杀 人犯”。或者举办“谋杀案侦破晚宴”:一群朋友聚在一起,在餐桌上利用预先准备 好的关于人物性格和行踪的线索破解一桩案件。如果餐桌上的谋杀案提不起你的兴 趣,还有各种各样的棋盘游戏和计算机游戏来测试你的侦探能力。 12但是有些人会沉迷于此无法自拔。(例如,)小说里最有名的侦探也许是舍洛 克·福尔摩斯,他的住处是“伦敦贝克街221B号”。现在仍有信件寄到那里,要求他 帮忙解决各种各样的迷案。因为有如此多的信件寄给这位大侦探,现在使用该处的公 司雇用了一个人,专门回复这些信件。 13 只要人类还有好奇心,那么毫无疑问,各种各样的侦探小说就会继续发挥它致 命的诱惑力。 Part Three Further Development 1.Enriching Your Word Power 1)B2)A3)A4)C5)B6)C7)B8)A9)C10)C 2.Competing for Tourists We have theme activities such as: 1)A two-day-tour to scenic spots:We will have a packaged tour to some beautiful places like "Thousand Island Lake'”,Tian Mu River Rafting”,West Lake”,ctc. (It's up to the teacher to replace these scenic spots with local beautiful places. 2)Arts activities,such as Calligraphy Tour,Beijing Opera Night,Fun in Acrobatics 3)Knowing-More-about-Society-Tour:going to the countryside,visiting a silk factory, visiting a museum,watching a fashion show,visiting historic sights 4)Fun in food:cooking lessons,cooking competitions,enjoying healthy food with Chinese herbal medicine 5)Miscellaneous activities:playing mahjong (with masters or skilled players available for help),playing board games,playing cards,various sorts of ball games,karaoke, swimming and dancing Our special services and facilities: 1)Child-care center,medical center 2)Reading-room 3)Cinema,Karaoke hall,dance hall,computer game room 4)Tennis court,football field,basketball court,swimming pool,bowling alley 5)Tea house,pub,coffee house 6)Spas and foot massage 3.Trying to Be the Most Entertaining Group Jokes: 1)Bad or Worse "How is the business?"asked Mike,as he walked into his friend's dress shop. "Terrible,"complained John."Business is awful.Yesterday I only sold one dress,and today it was even worse." "How could it be even worse?"asked Mike. "Today the customer returned the dress she bought yesterday."12 肯定被捕而告终的侦探剧。 11 从酒店提供的“周末谋杀奇案”活动也可以看出侦探小说有多么流行。客人们 扮演那些经典侦探小说中的嫌疑人,用一个周末的时间来找出他们中的哪一个是“杀 人犯”。或者举办“谋杀案侦破晚宴”:一群朋友聚在一起, 在餐桌上利用预先准备 好的关于人物性格和行踪的线索破解一桩案件。如果餐桌上的谋杀案提不起你的兴 趣,还有各种各样的棋盘游戏和计算机游戏来测试你的侦探能力。 12 但是有些人会沉迷于此无法自拔。(例如,)小说里最有名的侦探也许是舍洛 克·福尔摩斯,他的住处是“伦敦贝克街 221B号”。现在仍有信件寄到那里,要求他 帮忙解决各种各样的迷案。因为有如此多的信件寄给这位大侦探,现在使用该处的公 司雇用了一个人,专门回复这些信件。 13 只要人类还有好奇心,那么毫无疑问,各种各样的侦探小说就会继续发挥它致 命的诱惑力。 Part Three Further Development 1. Enriching Your Word Power 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) C 5) B 6) C 7) B 8)A 9)C 10) C 2. Competing for Tourists We have theme activities such as: 1) A two-day-tour to scenic spots: We will have a packaged tour to some beautiful places like “Thousand Island Lake”, “Tian Mu River Rafting”, “West Lake”, etc. (It’s up to the teacher to replace these scenic spots with local beautiful places.) 2) Arts activities, such as Calligraphy Tour, Beijing Opera Night, Fun in Acrobatics 3) Knowing-More-about-Society-Tour: going to the countryside, visiting a silk factory, visiting a museum, watching a fashion show, visiting historic sights 4) Fun in food: cooking lessons, cooking competitions, enjoying healthy food with Chinese herbal medicine 5) Miscellaneous activities: playing mahjong (with masters or skilled players available for help), playing board games, playing cards, various sorts of ball games, karaoke, swimming and dancing. Our special services and facilities: 1) Child-care center, medical center 2) Reading-room 3) Cinema, Karaoke hall, dance hall, computer game room 4) Tennis court, football field, basketball court, swimming pool, bowling alley 5) Tea house, pub, coffee house 6) Spas and foot massage 3. Trying to Be the Most Entertaining Group Jokes: 1) Bad or Worse “How is the business?” asked Mike, as he walked into his friend’s dress shop. “Terrible,” complained John. “Business is awful. Yesterday I only sold one dress, and today it was even worse.” “How could it be even worse?” asked Mike. “Today the customer returned the dress she bought yesterday
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