Step 0: (i)r is an alphabet,called the input alphabet of U, (ii)So is an alphabet,called the output alphabet of U 问题9:为何要专门提供描述输出结果的字母表? Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) Input:A weighted complete graph (G,c),where G=(V,E)and c:E- IN.Let V={v1,...,Un}for some n E IN -10). Constraints:For every input instance (G,c),M(G,c)=v,..,in |(i1,i2,…,in)is a permutation of(l,2,.…,n)},i.e,the set of all Hamiltonian cycles of G. Costs: For every Hamiltonian cycle H=viviz...vinviEM(G,c), cost(,a,.n,),(G,c》=∑=c({4,4gmin+i》, i.e.,the cost of every Hamiltonian cycle I is the sum of the weights of all edges of I. Goal: minimum.Step 0: 问题9:为何要专门提供描述输出结果的字母表?
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