计算机问题求解 一4.8算法问题的形式化 2021年4月26日
计算机问题求解 —4.8算法问题的形式化 2021年4月26日
问题1:语言是什么?我们在讨论难问题求 解的时候,语言帮助我们描述什么了?
问题1:语言是什么?我们在讨论难问题求 解的时候,语言帮助我们描述什么了?
Formulae represent: 一个“word” Which formula 所有的word“放在”一起,是什么? is represented by the word wΦ=(x1V(x100)Vx111)∧(x10V(x1)∧(x100∧(x1000) over Slogic ={0,1,()A,V,-,2}. 问题2:如果只用{0,1,#粉,如何编码一个逻辑表达式, 如(x1∧x2)V(x2∧x3)?
Formulae represent: Which formula 问题2:如果只用{0,1,#},如何编码一个逻辑表达式, 如(x1 ∧ 𝑥2) ∨ (𝑥2 ∧ ¬𝑥3)? 一个“word” 所有的word“放在”一起,是什么?
语言! Definition S be an alphabet.Every set L is called a lan- guage over >The complement of the language L according to is LC=∑*-L. A language can be used to describe a set of consistent input instances of an algorithmic problem. For instance,the set of all representations of formu- lae in CNF as a set of words over Logic or the set {u#u2#...#um ui E 10,1)m,m E NN}as the set of representations of all directed graphs over 10,1,#are examples of such languages
问题3:你能举一些类似的例子来帮助理 解“语言”的作用吗? PRIM={w∈{0,l}*|Number(w)is a prime}. SAT=ww is a code of a satisfiable formula in CNF). CLIQUE={x#w∈{0,l,#}*|x∈{0,1}*and w represents a graph that contains a clique of size Number(c)}. VCP={u#w∈{0,l,#}+|u∈{0,l}f and w represents a graph that contains a vertex cover of size Number(u)
问题3:你能举一些类似的例子来帮助理 解“语言”的作用吗?
如何理解下面的这句话? Every algorithm (computer program)can be viewed as an execution of a mapping from a subset of t to for some alphabets and 2 A consistent input instance of the first language an output instance of the second language
如何理解下面的这句话? A consistent input instance of the first language an output instance of the second language
什么是难问题? We consider a problem to be hard if there is no known deterministic algorithm(computer program)that solves it efficiently. 我们将难问题分解为两类来研究: decision problems optimization problems
什么是难问题? 我们将难问题分解为两类来研究:
判定问题的形式化表达 Definition decision problem is a triple (L,U,S)where is an alphabet and L CUC*.An algorithm A solves (decides)the decision problem (L,U,>if,for every x EU, ()A(x)=1fx∈L,amd Pay attention to )A(x)=0fx∈U-L(x年L. the word "decide" For many decision problems (L,U,>we assume U =*In that case we shall use the short notation (L,instead of (L,*S)
判定问题的形式化表达 Pay attention to the word “decide
以下两种形式是等价的 Definition decision problem is a triple (L,U,>where is an alphabet and LU *An algorithm A solves (decides)the decision problem (L,U,>if,for every x EU, ()A(x)=1fx∈L,amd ()A(x)=0过x∈U-Lx走L). Problem (L,U,S) Input:Anx∈U. Output:"yes”ifx∈L, "no"otherwise
问题6:如何形式化描述一个decision problem (L,Σ) PRIMALITY TESTING Σ:∑bool L:PRIM ={w E(0,1]*Number(w)is a prime} Primality testing Input::Anx∈2tol Output:"yes"if Number(x)is a prime, "no"otherwise. 为什么书中要加这么一句话? For primality testing we always consider(PRIM,Sooo)as the formal definition of this decision problem
问题6:如何形式化描述一个decision problem? 为什么书中要加这么一句话? ( L , ∑ ) ∑: ∑bool L: