nasal secretions.Which of the following substance is most likely to produce these symptoms? A.Bradykinin B.Complement C5a C.Histamine D.Interleukin-1 E.Phospholipase C 34.An 80-year-old female falls down the steps leading to the entranee of the house of a relative who is hosting a family reunion.She is hospitalized for surgery to replace a broken hip.She is then moved to a nursing home,but she is unable to ambulate until about a month later.She gets up to bathe with assistance and she experiences the sudden onset of severe dyspnea (shortmess of breath)and goes into cardiac from which she cat be resuscitated.Which of the following is most likely to be the immediate cause of death at autopsy? A.Acute bronchopneumonia B.Acute renal failure C.Complications of alcohol abuse D.Congestive heart failure E.Pulmonary emb 35.A 40-year-old man has a history of intravenous drug use.Physical examination shows needle tracks in his left antecubital fossa.He has mild seleral icterus (yellow eyeballs). Serologic studies for hepatitis HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis HCVare positive.He oma 15 years later at age 55. Which of the following best explains why this patient developed hepatocellular carcinoma? A.Integration of these viruses in the vicinity of protooncogenes B.The ability of these viruses to capture protooncogenes from the host DNA. C.These viru ses couse in D.Viral genes inactivate RBand p53 expression E.Virus-induced injury to liver cells followed by extensive regeneration of liver cells 36.A 5-year-old child has loss of vision in the right eye.MR imaging shows a mass in the posterior chamber that nearly fills the globe.The child undergoes enucleation of the right Moleular analysis of the neoplastic cel indicates absene of both opies of a tu suppressor gene t controls the tra ition from the G to the S phase of the cell cycle Which of the following genes is most likely to have the mechanism of action that produced this neoplasm?() A.BCL2 B.hMSH2 C.K-RAS D.NFI E.RB nasal secretions. Which of the following substance is most likely to produce these symptoms? ( ) A. Bradykinin B. Complement C5a C. Histamine D. Interleukin-1 E. Phospholipase C 34. An 80-year-old female falls down the steps leading to the entrance of the house of a relative who is hosting a family reunion. She is hospitalized for surgery to replace a broken hip. She is then moved to a nursing home, but she is unable to ambulate until about a month later. She gets up to bathe with assistance and she experiences the sudden onset of severe dyspnea (shortness of breath) and goes into cardiac arrest, from which she cannot be resuscitated. Which of the following is most likely to be the immediate cause of death found at autopsy? ( ) A. Acute bronchopneumonia B. Acute renal failure C. Complications of alcohol abuse D. Congestive heart failure E. Pulmonary embolism 35. A 40-year-old man has a history of intravenous drug use. Physical examination shows needle tracks in his left antecubital fossa. He has mild scleral icterus (yellow eyeballs). Serologic studies for hepatitis HBsAg and antibodies to hepatitis HCV are positive. He develops hepatocellular carcinoma 15 years later at age 55. Which of the following best explains why this patient developed hepatocellular carcinoma? ( ) A. Integration of these viruses in the vicinity of protooncogenes B. The ability of these viruses to capture protooncogenes from the host DNA. C. These viruses cause immunosuppression. D. Viral genes inactivate RB and p53 expression E. Virus-induced injury to liver cells followed by extensive regeneration of liver cells 36. A 5-year-old child has loss of vision in the right eye. MR imaging shows a mass in the posterior chamber that nearly fills the globe. The child undergoes enucleation of the right eye. Molecular analysis of the neoplastic cells indicates absence of both copies of a tumor suppressor gene that controls the transition from the G to the S phase of the cell cycle. Which of the following genes is most likely to have the mechanism of action that produced this neoplasm? ( ) A. BCL2 B. hMSH2 C. K-RAS D. NF1 E. RB
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