they encountered Mabel Dodge Luhan,a prominent socialite,and considered establishinga utopian community on what was then known as the 160-acre(0.65 km2)Kiowa Ranch near Taos,New Mexico.After arriving in Lamy,New Mexico,via train,they 5 acquired the property,now called the D.H.Lawrence Ranch,in 1924 in exchange for the manuscript of Sons and Lovers.He stayed in New Mexico for two years,with extended visitsto Lake Chapala and Oaxaca in Mexico.While Lawrence was in New Mexico,he was visited by Aldous Huxley. While in the U.S.,Lawrencerewroteandpublished Studies in 5 Classic American Literature,a set of critical essays begun in 1917. and later described by Edmund Wilson as"oneofthe few first-rate books that haveever been written on the subject."These interpretations,withtheir insights into symbolism,New England Transcendentalism and the puritan sensibility,were a significant factor in the revival of the reputationof Herman Melville during the early 1920s.In addition,Lawrence completed a number ofnew 5 fictional works,including The Boy in the Bush,The Plumed Serpent, St Mawr,The Woman who Rode Away,The Princess and assorted shortstories.He also found time to produce some more travel writing,such as the collection of linked excursions that becamethey encountered Mabel Dodge Luhan, a prominent socialite, and considered establishing a utopian community on what was then known as the 160-acre (0.65 km2 ) Kiowa Ranch near Taos, New Mexico. After arriving in Lamy, New Mexico, via train, they acquired the property, now called the D. H. Lawrence Ranch, in 1924 in exchange for the manuscript of Sons and Lovers. He stayed in New Mexico for two years, with extended visits to Lake Chapala and Oaxaca in Mexico. While Lawrence was in New Mexico, he was visited by Aldous Huxley. While in the U.S., Lawrence rewrote and published Studies in Classic American Literature, a set of critical essays begun in 1917, and later described by Edmund Wilson as "one of the few first-rate books that have ever been written on the subject." These interpretations, with their insights into symbolism, New England Transcendentalismand the puritan sensibility, were a significant factor in the revival of the reputation of Herman Melville during the early 1920s. In addition, Lawrence completed a number of new fictional works, including The Boy in the Bush, The Plumed Serpent, St Mawr, The Woman who Rode Away, The Princess and assorted short stories. He also found time to produce some more travel writing, such as the collection of linked excursions that became 5’ 5’ 5’
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