Mornings in Mexico. A brief voyageto England at theend of 1923 wasa failure and he soon returnedto Taos,convinced that his life as an authornow lay in America.However,in March 1925 he suffered a near fatal attack of malaria and tuberculosis while on a third visit to Mexico.Although he eventually recovered,the diagnosis ofhis condition obliged him to return once again to Europe.He was dangerously ill and the poor 5 health limited his ability to travel for theremainder ofhis life.The Lawrence made their home in a villa in Northern Italy,livingnear Florence while he wrote The Virgin and the Gipsy and the various versions ofLady Chatterley's Lover(1928).The latter book,his last major novel,was initially published in privateeditions in Florence 5 and Paris and reinforced his notoriety.Lawrence responded robustly to those who claimed to be offended,penninga large number of satirical poems,published under thetitle of"Pansies"and"Nettles" as well as a tract on Pornography and Obscenity. 2.0 His major works 2.1 Novels Lawrence is perhaps best known for his novels Sons and Lovers,The 5 Rainbow,Women in Love and Lady Chatterley's Lover.Withinthese Mornings in Mexico. A brief voyage to England at the end of 1923 was a failure and he soon returned to Taos, convinced that his life as an author now lay in America. However, in March 1925 he suffered a near fatal attack of malaria and tuberculosis while on a third visit to Mexico. Although he eventually recovered, the diagnosis of his condition obliged him to return once again to Europe. He was dangerously ill and the poor health limited his ability to travel for the remainder of his life. The Lawrence made their home in a villa in Northern Italy, living near Florencewhile he wrote The Virgin and the Gipsy and the various versions of Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928). The latter book, his last major novel, was initially published in private editions in Florence and Paris and reinforced his notoriety. Lawrence responded robustly to those who claimed to be offended, penning a large number of satirical poems, published under the title of "Pansies" and "Nettles", as well as a tract on Pornography and Obscenity. 2.0 His major works 2.1 Novels Lawrence is perhaps best known for his novels Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love and Lady Chatterley's Lover. Within these 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’
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