Detailed Contents 83 A DEEPER LOOK:A Complex Polysaccharide in Red is Are the Most Common Wine-The Strange Story of Rhamnogalacturonan ll 224 ADEEPER LOOK:Will the Real Glycophospholipid Come Forward?25 Fruits of ts of Phloem and the Large ycerophos Peptidoglycan s the Polysaccharide of BacteriaCell HUMAN RICO HEMISTRY:Platelet-Activating Factor Walls 226 A Potent Glyceroether Mediator 254 Animals Display a Variety of Cell Surface Polysaccharides 228 8.4 7.5 c8ropoindHowoognion egg2ndHeoAempotn 8.5 and How Are They Used?254 A DEEPER LOOK:Novel Lipids with Valuable Properties 256 O-GleNAc Signaling Is Altered in Diabetes and Cancer 230 86 es, ance e3257 O-Linked Saccharides Form Rigid Extended Extracellular Structures 230 A DEEPER LOOK:Why Do Plants Emit Is ne3259 Polar Fish Depend on Antifreeze Glycoproteins 230 HUMAN BIOCHEMISTRY:Coumadin or Warfarin- -Agent of Life or Death 259 87 What are steroids and what are their Cellulat A DEEPER LOOKD nds a Sweet Spot 232 Functions?260 Sialic Acid te des Cholesterol 260 Steroid Hormones Are Derived from Cholesterol 26 ADEEPER LOOK:N-Linked Oligosaccharides Help and Stanol E2 old by Both Intrinsic and Extrinsi 17B.H Sialic Acid Cleavage Can Ser ve asa Timing Device Dehydrogenase 3 Deficiency 262 for Protein Degradation 233 8.8 How Do Lipids and Their Metabolites Act 7.6 How Do Proteoglycans Modulate Processes as Biological Signals?263 in Cells and Organisms?234 A DEEPER LOOK:Glycerophospholipid Degradation: aes2Poioashoendngooa One of the Effects of Sna e Venom 26 MnOaDnsope2neP HUMAN BIO 7.7 Do Carbohydrates Provide a Structural Code?3 8.9 What Can Lipidomics Tell Us about Cell,Tissue,and Sugar Code Organ Physiology?267 SUMMARY 269 Mediators of Inflammation,Immunity. FOUNDATIONAL RIOCHEMISTRY 270 and Cancer 240 PRORIEMS 270 CReactive Protein-A Lectin That Limits Inflammation FURTHER READING 27 SUMMARY 241 Membranes and Membrane Transport 273 FOUNDATIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 242 9.1 What are the chemical and physical properties PROBLEMS 242 of Membranes>274 FURTHER READING 243 The Composition of Membranes Suits Their Functions 274 Lipids Form Ordered Structures Spontaneously in Water 275 8 Lipids 245 8.1 The Fluid Mosaic Model Describes Membrane What Are the Structures and Chemistry of Fatty Dynamics 27 Acids?245 9.2 82 What Are the St 5224 s and Chemistry of Mem of Tri ADEEPER LOOK:Polar Bears Prefer Nonpolar Food 249 RphelMmrrngotensAsocateLoseh px Detailed Contents 8.3 What Are the Structures and Chemistry of Glycerophospholipids? 250 Glycerophospholipids Are the Most Common Phospholipids 250 A Deeper Look: Will the Real Glycophospholipid Come Forward? 251 Ether Glycerophospholipids Include PAF and Plasmalogens 253 Human Biochemistry: Platelet-Activating Factor: A Potent Glyceroether Mediator 254 8.4 What Are Sphingolipids, and How Are They Important for Higher Animals? 254 8.5 What Are Waxes, and How Are They Used? 254 A Deeper Look: Novel Lipids with Valuable Properties 256 8.6 What Are Terpenes, and What Is Their Relevance to Biological Systems? 257 A Deeper Look: Why Do Plants Emit Isoprene? 259 Human Biochemistry: Coumadin or Warfarin—Agent of Life or Death 259 8.7 What Are Steroids, and What Are Their Cellular Functions? 260 Cholesterol 260 Steroid Hormones Are Derived from Cholesterol 261 Human Biochemistry: Plant Sterols and Stanols— Natural Cholesterol Fighters 261 Human Biochemistry: 17b-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 3 Deficiency 262 8.8 How Do Lipids and Their Metabolites Act as Biological Signals? 263 A Deeper Look: Glycerophospholipid Degradation: One of the Effects of Snake Venom 264 Human Biochemistry: The Endocannabinoid Signaling System: A Target for Next-Generation Therapeutics 264 Human Biochemistry: Fingolimod—a Sphingosine-1-P Mimic Is an Oral Drug for Multiple Sclerosis 266 8.9 What Can Lipidomics Tell Us about Cell, Tissue, and Organ Physiology? 267 SUMMARY 269 Foundational Biochemistry 270 PROBLEMS 270 Further Reading 271 9 Membranes and Membrane Transport 273 9.1 What Are the Chemical and Physical Properties of Membranes? 274 The Composition of Membranes Suits Their Functions 274 Lipids Form Ordered Structures Spontaneously in Water 275 The Fluid Mosaic Model Describes Membrane Dynamics 277 9.2 What Are the Structure and Chemistry of Membrane Proteins? 279 Peripheral Membrane Proteins Associate Loosely with the Membrane 279 A Deeper Look: Ruth Benerito and Wrinkle-Free Cotton Fabrics 222 A Deeper Look: A Complex Polysaccharide in Red Wine—The Strange Story of Rhamnogalacturonan II 224 Polysaccharides Provide Strength and Rigidity to Bacterial Cell Walls 225 A Deeper Look: The Secrets of Phloem and the Large Fruits of Cucurbitaceae 225 Peptidoglycan Is the Polysaccharide of Bacterial Cell Walls 226 Animals Display a Variety of Cell Surface Polysaccharides 228 7.5 What Are Glycoproteins, and How Do They Function in Cells? 228 Carbohydrates on Proteins Can Be O-Linked or N-Linked 228 O-GlcNAc Signaling Is Altered in Diabetes and Cancer 230 O-Linked Saccharides Form Rigid Extended Extracellular Structures 230 Polar Fish Depend on Antifreeze Glycoproteins 230 N-Linked Oligosaccharides Can Affect the Physical Properties and Functions of a Protein 231 A Deeper Look: Drug Research Finds a Sweet Spot 232 Sialic Acid Terminates the Oligosaccharides of Glycoproteins and Glycolipids 232 A Deeper Look: N-Linked Oligosaccharides Help Proteins Fold by Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Effects 233 Sialic Acid Cleavage Can Serve as a Timing Device for Protein Degradation 233 7.6 How Do Proteoglycans Modulate Processes in Cells and Organisms? 234 Functions of Proteoglycans Involve Binding to Other Proteins 234 Proteoglycans May Modulate Cell Growth Processes 236 Proteoglycans Make Cartilage Flexible and Resilient 237 7.7 Do Carbohydrates Provide a Structural Code? 237 Lectins Translate the Sugar Code 238 Selectins, Rolling Leukocytes, and the Inflammatory Response 239 Galectins—Mediators of Inflammation, Immunity, and Cancer 240 C-Reactive Protein—A Lectin That Limits Inflammation Damage 240 SUMMARY 241 Foundational Biochemistry 242 PROBLEMS 242 Further Reading 243 8 Lipids 245 8.1 What Are the Structures and Chemistry of Fatty Acids? 245 8.2 What Are the Structures and Chemistry of Triacylglycerols? 248 A Deeper Look: Polar Bears Prefer Nonpolar Food 249 Copyright 2017 Cengage Learning. 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