Detailed Contents ix 63 What Are the Elements of Secondary Stru HUMAN BIOCHEMISTRY -A Tale All Protein Structure Is Based on the Amide Plane 150 HUMAN BIOCHEMISTRY:Diseases of Protein Folding 191 The Alpha-Helix is a Key Secondary Structure 151 HUMAN BIOCHEMISTRY:Structural Genomics 191 A DEEPER LOOK:Knowing What the Right Hand and Left There Is Symmetry in Quaternary Structures 192 Quaternary Association Is Driven by Weak Forces 192 heet Is a Co 冬人9 Structure in Pr Open Quatemary Structures Can Polymerize 194 ther 19 e Features and a Nobel Prize 156 ionalAd antages Helix-Sheet Composites in Spider Silk 156 HUMAN BIOCHEMISTRY:Faster-Acting Insulin:Geneti Engine ring So ves a Quaternary Structure Problem 19 6.4 How D n Thee-Dmen SUMMARY 197 tein FOUNDATIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 19 p. PROBLEMS 198 tif in protein 161 FURTHER READING 199 164 Helices and Sheets Make up the Core of Most Globular 7 Carbohydrates and the Glycoconjugates Proteins 165 Waters on the Protein Surface Stabilize the Structure 166 of Cell Surfaces 203 7.1 How Are Carbohydrates Named?204 Packing Considerations 166 72 HUMAN BIOCHEMISTRY:Collagen-Related Diseases 168 What Are the Structure and Chemistry of Monosaccharides?204 ot Nature Modua Strategy HUMAN BIOCHEMIS TDV.D and Ke Monosaccharides Exist in Cyclic and Anomeric Forms 206 Haworth Projections Are a Convenient Device A DEEPER LOOK:Protein Sectors:Evolutionary Units for Drawing Sugars 207 of Three-Dimensional Structure 171 Monosacc Be Converted to Severa Denaturatis toLoss of Protein Structure DEE RLOOK Honey-An Ancestral Carbohydrat Anfinsen's Classic Experiment Proved That Sequence Treat 212 Determines Structure 176 73 What Are the Structure and Chemistry Is There a Single Mechanism for Protein Folding?177 of Oligosaccharides?214 Disaccharides Are the Simplest Oligosaccharides 214 A DEEPER LOOK Trehalose-A Natural Protectant Marginal Stability of the Tertiary Structure Makes Proteins MNph-Cal and Red Mea Flexible180 A Variety of Higher Oligosaccharides Occur Motion in Globular Proteins 180 in Nature 217 7.4 What Are the Structure and Chemistry of Polysaccharides?217 A DEEPER LOOK:Meta -A Consequence Polysacch grbamengooeoirousoue Most Glo and Protection Functions 218 Storage,Structure, glso85gsAePoiainsTitHepohe Polysaccharides Provide Stores of Energy 218 Some Proteins Are Intrinsically Unstructured 186 Polysaccharides Provide Physical Structure and Strength How do protein Subunits Inte eract at the Quatemary Level of Protein Structure?189 e年 Detailed Contents ix Human Biochemistry: a1-Antitrypsin—A Tale of Molecular Mousetraps and a Folding Disease 190 Human Biochemistry: Diseases of Protein Folding 191 Human Biochemistry: Structural Genomics 191 There Is Symmetry in Quaternary Structures 192 Quaternary Association Is Driven by Weak Forces 192 Open Quaternary Structures Can Polymerize 194 A Deeper Look: Immunoglobulins—All the Features of Protein Structure Brought Together 195 There Are Structural and Functional Advantages to Quaternary Association 195 Human Biochemistry: Faster-Acting Insulin: Genetic Engineering Solves a Quaternary Structure Problem 195 SUMMARY 197 Foundational Biochemistry 197 PROBLEMS 198 Further Reading 199 7 Carbohydrates and the Glycoconjugates of Cell Surfaces 203 7.1 How Are Carbohydrates Named? 204 7.2 What Are the Structure and Chemistry of Monosaccharides? 204 Monosaccharides Are Classified as Aldoses and Ketoses 204 Stereochemistry Is a Prominent Feature of Monosaccharides 204 Monosaccharides Exist in Cyclic and Anomeric Forms 206 Haworth Projections Are a Convenient Device for Drawing Sugars 207 Monosaccharides Can Be Converted to Several Derivative Forms 210 A Deeper Look: Honey—An Ancestral Carbohydrate Treat 212 7.3 What Are the Structure and Chemistry of Oligosaccharides? 214 Disaccharides Are the Simplest Oligosaccharides 214 A Deeper Look: Trehalose—A Natural Protectant for Bugs 215 Human Biochemistry: Alpha-Gal and Red Meat Allergy 216 A Variety of Higher Oligosaccharides Occur in Nature 217 7.4 What Are the Structure and Chemistry of Polysaccharides? 217 Nomenclature for Polysaccharides Is Based on Their Composition and Structure 217 Polysaccharides Serve Energy Storage, Structure, and Protection Functions 218 Polysaccharides Provide Stores of Energy 218 Polysaccharides Provide Physical Structure and Strength to Organisms 219 A Deeper Look: Billiard Balls, Exploding Teeth, and Dynamite—The Colorful History of Cellulose 220 6.3 What Are the Elements of Secondary Structure in Proteins, and How Are They Formed? 150 All Protein Structure Is Based on the Amide Plane 150 The Alpha-Helix Is a Key Secondary Structure 151 A Deeper Look: Knowing What the Right Hand and Left Hand Are Doing 152 The b-Pleated Sheet Is a Core Structure in Proteins 155 Critical Developments in Biochemistry: In Bed with a Cold, Pauling Stumbles onto the a-Helix and a Nobel Prize 156 Helix–Sheet Composites in Spider Silk 156 b-Turns Allow the Protein Strand to Change Direction 158 6.4 How Do Polypeptides Fold into Three-Dimensional Protein Structures? 159 Fibrous Proteins Usually Play a Structural Role 160 A Deeper Look: The Coiled-Coil Motif in Proteins 161 Globular Proteins Mediate Cellular Function 164 Helices and Sheets Make up the Core of Most Globular Proteins 165 Waters on the Protein Surface Stabilize the Structure 166 Packing Considerations 166 Human Biochemistry: Collagen-Related Diseases 168 Protein Domains Are Nature’s Modular Strategy for Protein Design 168 Human Biochemistry: Domain-Based Engineering of Proteins Forms the Basis of a Novel Cancer Treatment 169 Classification Schemes for the Protein Universe Are Based on Domains 170 A Deeper Look: Protein Sectors: Evolutionary Units of Three-Dimensional Structure 171 Denaturation Leads to Loss of Protein Structure and Function 174 Anfinsen’s Classic Experiment Proved That Sequence Determines Structure 176 Is There a Single Mechanism for Protein Folding? 177 A Deeper Look: Measuring Friction in the Protein Folding Process 178 What Is the Thermodynamic Driving Force for Folding of Globular Proteins? 180 Marginal Stability of the Tertiary Structure Makes Proteins Flexible 180 Motion in Globular Proteins 180 The Folding Tendencies and Patterns of Globular Proteins 181 A Deeper Look: Metamorphic Proteins—A Consequence of Dynamism and Marginal Stability 182 Most Globular Proteins Belong to One of Four Structural Classes 184 Molecular Chaperones Are Proteins That Help Other Proteins to Fold 186 Some Proteins Are Intrinsically Unstructured 186 6.5 How Do Protein Subunits Interact at the Quaternary Level of Protein Structure? 189 Copyright 2017 Cengage Learning. 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