附件24.4 outlet pressure,the pump leakage is zero.The flow rate under this condition is considered equal to the theoretical flow rate in industrial production.We should determine the Flow rate without load of pump under the condition that cross-sectional area of Throttle 10 is the largest (2)Rated flow rate:the flow rate which permits operation continuously under the rated pressure and the rated rotating speed. (3)Practical flow rate Q on the condition of different pressure;the different pressure is determined by the throttle.Read out the flow rate Q under the corresponding pressure. 4.Volumetric efficiency nv If the motor's rotational Speed in the hydraulic pump at zero pressure is basically the same as the rotational Speed in the rated working pressure (the value of rated rotational Speed and rotational Speed without load is equal),n=Q1/Q2 5.Overall efficiency of hydraulic pump n n=No/Ni or No=Ni*n=Ni*nm*nv The input power of hydraulic pump Ni Ni=M*N/974(kw) M-input torque on the condition of rated pressure n-rotational Speed of hydraulic pump on the condition of rated pressure The output power of hydraulic pump No No=P*Q/612(KW) P-The output pressure of hydraulic pump on the condition of rated pressure Q-The flow rate of hydraulic pump on the condition of rated pressure The overall efficiency of the hydraulic pump can be expressed as follows: 附件 24.4 10 outlet pressure, the pump leakage is zero .The flow rate under this condition is considered equal to the theoretical flow rate in industrial production. We should determine the Flow rate without load of pump under the condition that cross-sectional area of Throttle 10 is the largest. (2)Rated flow rate: the flow rate which permits operation continuously under the rated pressure and the rated rotating speed. (3)Practical flow rate Q on the condition of different pressure; the different pressure is determined by the throttle. Read out the flow rate Q under the corresponding pressure. 4. Volumetric efficiency ηv If the motor’s rotational Speed in the hydraulic pump at zero pressure is basically the same as the rotational Speed in the rated working pressure (the value of rated rotational Speed and rotational Speed without load is equal), η=Q1/Q2 5. Overall efficiency of hydraulic pump η η=No/Ni or No=Ni*η=Ni*ηm*ηv The input power of hydraulic pump Ni Ni=M*N/974(kw) M-input torque on the condition of rated pressure n- rotational Speed of hydraulic pump on the condition of rated pressure The output power of hydraulic pump No No=P*Q/612(KW) P-The output pressure of hydraulic pump on the condition of rated pressure Q- The flow rate of hydraulic pump on the condition of rated pressure The overall efficiency of the hydraulic pump can be expressed as follows:
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