2.1 Transition words Transition words (also called "connecting"words)are important words that signal the relationship between one word. phrase,or sentence and the next word,phrase,or sentence Compare paragraphs 1 and 2.Both paragraphs give the same information,yet one paragraph is easier to understand than the other because it contains transition words to lead the reader from one idea to the next.Which paragraph contains transition words and is more coherent?Circle all of the transition words that you can identify2.1 Transition words Transition words (also called “connecting” words) are important words that signal the relationship between one word, phrase, or sentence and the next word, phrase, or sentence. Compare paragraphs 1 and 2. Both paragraphs give the same information, yet one paragraph is easier to understand than the other because it contains transition words to lead the reader from one idea to the next. Which paragraph contains transition words and is more coherent? Circle all of the transition words that you can identify
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