Who will you need to hire in order to produce your product or provide your service? Where or how will you get the money to create and market your product or service? Where,when,and how will you test-market it? How will you raise capital to make and sell your product? 2)Interview Attitudes about money vary from culture to culture,family to family,and person to person.Interview someone outside your class about his or her attitude about money. 3)On the Spot! What Would You Do?Read the following situations.Decide what todo in each case Choose the bes answer to each question,or write your owr answer in the space provided 1.While walking down the street,you find a wallet.It contains $100 and an identification card with the owner's name,address,and phone number.What would you do? C.Keep the money and throw away the wallet. D.Take the wallet with the money to a police station. E Other 2.It's the same situation as No.1,but the wallet contains only $5.Wha would you do? A.Call the owner and retum the wallet with the money. B.Keep the money and mail the empty wallet to the owner C.Keep the money and throw away the wallet D.Take the wallet with the money to a police station E.Other 3.You went to the bank to take money out of your account.By mistake,the bank teller gave you more money than you requested.What would you do? A.Return the extra money immediately.The amount doesn't matter B.Keep the extra money. 口1t nds on the unt D.Othe 4.You went to your favorite department store and bought four items.When you got home.you noticed that the clerk only charged you for three items What would you do? A.Keepthe extra item and use it. B.Give the extra item toa friend or tocharity C.Return the extra item to the store. D.Other: (三)思考与实贱Who will you need to hire in order to produce your product or provide your service? Where or how will you get the money to create and market your product or service? Where, when, and how will you test-market it? How will you raise capital to make and sell your product? 2) Interview Attitudes about money vary from culture to culture, family to family, and person to person. Interview someone outside your class about his or her attitude about money. 3) On the Spot! What Would You Do? Read the following situations. Decide what to do in each case. Choose the best answer to each question, or write your own answer in the space provided. 1. While walking down the street, you find a wallet. It contains $100 and an identification card with the owner’s name, address, and phone number. What would you do? A. Call the owner and return the wallet with the money. B. Keep the money and mail the empty wallet to the owner. C. Keep the money and throw away the wallet. D. Take the wallet with the money to a police station. E. Other: ____________________________________ 2. It’s the same situation as No. 1, but the wallet contains only $5. What would you do? A. Call the owner and return the wallet with the money. B. Keep the money and mail the empty wallet to the owner. C. Keep the money and throw away the wallet. D. Take the wallet with the money to a police station. E. Other: __________________________________ 3. You went to the bank to take money out of your account. By mistake, the bank teller gave you more money than you requested. What would you do? A. Return the extra money immediately. The amount doesn’t matter. B. Keep the extra money. C. It depends on the amount. D. Other: ____________________________________________ 4. You went to your favorite department store and bought four items. When you got home, you noticed that the clerk only charged you for three items. What would you do? A. Keep the extra item and use it. B. Give the extra item to a friend or to charity. C. Return the extra item to the store. D. Other: ______________________________ (三)思考与实践
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