第4卷第4期 智能系统学报 Vol.4 No.4 2009年8月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Ag.2009 doi:10.3969/i.i8sn.1673-4785.2009.04.008 适应变化环境的元知识的研究 陈文伟2,黄金才,毕季明 (1.国防科技大学信息系统与管理学院,湖南长沙410073:2.海军兵种指挥学院作战指挥系,广东广州510431) 摘要:元知识是描述、使用一般知识的知识,具有变化的特点.提出了用变换产生式,即可拓知识作为元知识的一 种新的表示形式.它比一般用规则式表示的元知识更适应变化环境.在解决矛盾问题中用新元知识描述解决矛盾的 本质是目标变换(T)或条件变换(T),引起了关联函数值(Tx)的变换;知识发现中用新元知识说明属性约简变 换T。是依赖于算子Ascr(C:)的计算结果,基于粗糙集的知识获取是依赖于算子Ap(E:,Y)的计算结果;专家系 统中用新元知识作为控制知识推理的运行更体现了变化的特点,这些应用例子表明了用变换产生式作为元知识的 一种新的表示形式更适应变化环境. 关键词:元知识;变换产生式;可拓知识;矛盾问题;知识发现;专家系统 中图分类号:TP181文献标识码:A文章编号:16734785(2009)04033104 A study on meta-knowledge suitable for a changing environment CHEN Wen-wei2,HUANG Jin-cai',BI Ji-ming? (1.College of Information System and Management,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China;2.Depart- ment of Campaign and Command,Naval Arms Command Academy,Guangzhou 510431,China) Abstract:Meta-knowledge is a form of knowledge for describing and applying general knowledge.It is in a contin- ually changing state.The authors proposed a new method to represent meta-knowledge using transform-production, or extension knowledge.Compared with traditional meta-knowledge representational methods using rule implication, extension knowledge is more suitable for changing environments.In solving contradictory problems with new meta- knowledge,in essence,goal-transform (Tc)or condition-transform (T)triggers the transform of a related function's value (TK).The application of new meta-knowledge to knowledge discovery in a database shows that the transform of attribute reduction (T)depends on the computational result of operator Ase(C).Knowledge acquisition based on a rough set is dependent on the computational value of operator Aupdow(E:,Y).Extension knowledge is also suitable for representing meta-knowledge in order to control the operation of expert systems.It is obvious that the new method,which employs transform-production to represent meta-knowledge,plays an instruc- tive role in summarizing and solving such problems. Keywords:meta-knowledge;transform production;extension knowledge;contradictory question;knowledge dis- covery in database;expert system 元知识是知识的知识,是对一般知识的描述、概 的环境「14, 括、处理、使用的知识.提出一种新的元知识表示形 1适应变化环境的元知识概念 式,即可拓知识可拓知识是以可拓变换为基础,是 可拓变换的产生式,它具有变化的特点,能适应变化 在可拓学中,可拓变换定义为对对象(物元、事 元、关系元)的变换,表示成 收稿日期:2008-1105. Tu =v. 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(70671031). 即可拓变换T,将对象u变为对象. 通信作者:陈文伟.E-mai:chenww9@21cm.com