18-6 Synthesis of Amines Reduction of Nitriles,Amides and Nitro Compounds Nitriles and amides are reduced by LiAlH4 into amines SN2 displacement with CN- followed by LiAlH4 reduction of the nitrile converts a primary alkyl halide into a RCH2X NaCN RCH2C=N 1.LiAlHa,ether 2.H20 RCH2 primary alkylamine having Alkyl 1°amine one more carbon halide Carboxylic amides,formed 0 1.SOCl2 1.LiAlHa,ether from the reaction of the 2.NH3 2.H20 R NH corresponding acid chloride carbxylie 1°amine with ammonia,are reduced .acid with LiAlH into amines with the same number of carbons Reduction of Nitriles, Amides and Nitro Compounds ▪ Nitriles and amides are reduced by LiAlH4 into amines ▪ SN2 displacement with CN￾followed by LiAlH4 reduction of the nitrile converts a primary alkyl halide into a primary alkylamine having one more carbon ▪ Carboxylic amides, formed from the reaction of the corresponding acid chloride with ammonia, are reduced with LiAlH4 into amines with the same number of carbons 18-6 Synthesis of Amines
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