上浒充通大¥ SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 40 TONG 1896 1920 1987 2006 When,where,how much should protein be synthesized? Lecture 8-1 Regulation of gene expression CHAPTER 8 in BROCK BIOLOGYOFMICROORGANISMS Chen Feng TONG UN School of Life Science and Technology Shanghai Jiao Tong University Email:cf2001@sjtu.edu.cn http://micro.sjtu.edu.cn1896 1920 1987 2006 Lecture 8-1 Regulation of gene expression When, where, how much should protein be synthesized? Chen Feng School of Life Science and Technology Shanghai Jiao Tong University Email: cf2001@sjtu.edu.cn http://micro.sjtu.edu.cn CHAPTER 8 in BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS
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