IⅡ.1~5 BCBAC IⅢ.1~5 CABAA IV.1.teacher 2.serious 3.read novels 4.housework 5.sports 笔试部分 V.1~5 DABCB 6~10 ACDBC VI.1~5 BDCCA 6~10 BCACD VII.1~5 CABDA 6~10 BDACA 11~15 BCCAA VII.1.that/which 2.He used to complain about it. 3.They were positive in adversity. 4.我们不能避免遭遇困境,但我们能改变对待它的态度。 5.不要听那些说你不能做这做那的人的话。 IX.1.have changed 2.used to stay 3.have 4.Less 5.to think X.略(符合题目要求即可)Ⅱ. 1~5 BCBAC Ⅲ. 1~5 CABAA Ⅳ. 1. teacher 2. serious 3. read novels 4. housework 5. sports 笔试部分 Ⅴ. 1~5 DABCB 6~10 ACDBC Ⅵ. 1~5 BDCCA 6~10 BCACD Ⅶ. 1~5 CABDA 6~10 BDACA 11~15 BCCAA Ⅷ. 1. that/which 2. He used to complain about it. 3. They were positive in adversity. 4. 我们不能避免遭遇困境,但我们能改变对待它的态度。 5. 不要听那些说你不能做这做那的人的话。 Ⅸ. 1. have changed 2. used to stay 3. have 4. Less 5. to think Ⅹ. 略(符合题目要求即可)
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