Unit4 单元检测 听力材料 I.听句子,给下列图片排序。每个句子读两遍。 1.I used to have short hair but now I have long hair. 2.This kind of computer is too old.Few people use it now. 3.There used to be many small and old houses in the town. 4.I am very interested in playing tennis now. 5.It's difficult for my father to give up smoking Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 1.W:Hello,David.Did you use to be afraid of dogs? M.No,I didn't.I have always liked animals like dogs and cats.I used to be afraid of snakes. 2.W:You are a policeman,aren't you? M:Yes,I am.But I wanted to be a scientist when I was a child. 3.W:Jimmy,do you live on King Street? M:Oh,I used to live there but I moved to Bridge Street last month. 4.W:Fred,it seems you have changed a lot.You are much taller than before. M:Really?But Rose,you look as beautiful as before. W:Thank you 5.W:Do you still hate to have English classes,Peter? M:I used to,but now I've changed.But John and Jane still don't like English Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 W:HiPaul.Don't you remember me? M:Oh,Tina!What a surprise to see you here! W:That's right.I haven't seen you for two years.Where have you been? M:I joined the city basketball team and have been busy practicing.I'm on vacation this week.What's your job now? W:I am a singer in a band. M:Really?You used to be shy,didn't you? W:Yeah,but now I am very outgoing. M:That sounds interesting.How many people are there in your band? W:There are four people-three boys and one girl.We are going to give a music show at Screen City this Saturday.Would you like to come? M:Sure.I'd love to. Ⅳ.听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。 Li Hua has been a teacher for three years at No.11 Middle School.Her life has changed a lot since she became an English teacher.Her daily life is different.She used to sing and dance at university.But now she is serious.She used to read novels at night when she was a student.But now she helps her students learn English every evening.Li Hua used to go out to have dinner,but now she cooks meals by herself. She used to go hiking on weekends,but now she has to do the housework.She used to play all kinds of sports,but now she doesn't have enough time to play them.How she misses those old days! 参考答案 听力部分 I.1~5 BEACDUnit 4 单元检测 听力材料 Ⅰ. 听句子,给下列图片排序。每个句子读两遍。 1. I used to have short hair but now I have long hair. 2. This kind of computer is too old. Few people use it now. 3. There used to be many small and old houses in the town. 4. I am very interested in playing tennis now. 5. It’s difficult for my father to give up smoking. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 1. W: Hello,David. Did you use to be afraid of dogs? M: No,I didn’t. I have always liked animals like dogs and cats. I used to be afraid of snakes. 2. W: You are a policeman,aren’t you? M: Yes,I am. But I wanted to be a scientist when I was a child. 3. W: Jimmy,do you live on King Street? M: Oh,I used to live there but I moved to Bridge Street last month. 4. W: Fred,it seems you have changed a lot. You are much taller than before. M: Really? But Rose,you look as beautiful as before. W: Thank you. 5. W: Do you still hate to have English classes,Peter? M: I used to,but now I’ve changed. But John and Jane still don’t like English. Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。 W: Hi,Paul. Don’t you remember me? M: Oh,Tina! What a surprise to see you here! W: That’s right. I haven’t seen you for two years. Where have you been? M: I joined the city basketball team and have been busy practicing. I’m on vacation this week. What’s your job now? W: I am a singer in a band. M: Really?You used to be shy,didn’t you? W: Yeah,but now I am very outgoing. M: That sounds interesting. How many people are there in your band? W: There are four people—three boys and one girl. We are going to give a music show at Screen City this Saturday. Would you like to come? M: Sure. I’d love to. Ⅳ. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。 Li Hua has been a teacher for three years at No.11 Middle School. Her life has changed a lot since she became an English teacher. Her daily life is different. She used to sing and dance at university. But now she is serious. She used to read novels at night when she was a student. But now she helps her students learn English every evening. Li Hua used to go out to have dinner,but now she cooks meals by herself. She used to go hiking on weekends,but now she has to do the housework. She used to play all kinds of sports,but now she doesn’t have enough time to play them. How she misses those old days! 参考答案 听力部分 Ⅰ. 1~5 BEACD
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