Full contents Preface xv Development Reveals Basic Vertebrate Parts 22 About the editors xvii The Basic Plan of Nervous System Connectivity 27 List of contributors xix Overview of the adult mammalian nervous System 31 References 37 Suggested Readings 38 NEUROSCIENCE 1. Fundamentals of neuroscience CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR FLOYD E BLOOM NEUROSCIENCE A Brief History of Neuroscience 3 The Terminology of Nervous Systems Is Hierarchical, 3. Cellular Components of Distributed, Descriptive, and Historically Based 3 Nervous Tissue Neurons and glia are cellular building blocks of the PATRICK R. HOF, JEAN DE VELLIS, ESTHER A NIMCHINSKY Nervous System 4 GRAHAME KIDD, LUZ CLAUDIO, AND BRUCE D. TRAPP The Operative Processes of Nervous Systems Are als Hierarchical 5 Neurons 41 Cellular Organization of the brain 6 Specific Examples of Different Neuronal Types 45 Organization of this Text 7 Neuroglia 47 This Book Is Intended for a Broad Range of Scholars of Cerebral Vasculature 54 the neurosciences 8 References 57 Clinical Issues in the neurosciences 8 Suggested Readings 58 The Spirit of Exploration Con Ines The Genomic Inventory Is a Giant Step Forward 9 4. Subcellular Organization of the Neuroscience Today: A Communal Endeavor 10 ervous system s an The Creation of Knowledge 10 Their functions Responsible Conduct 11 SCOTT T BRADY, DAVIDR. COLMAN, AND PETER J. BROPHY Summary 13 References 13 Axons and Dendrites: Unique Structural Components of eurons 2. Basic Plan of the Nervous System Protein Synthesis in Nervous Tissue 63 LARRY W. SWANSON Cytoskeletons of Neurons and Glial Cells 70 Molecular Motors in the Nervous System 77 Introduction 15 Building and Maintaining Nervous System Cells 80 Evolution Highlights: General Organizing Principles 15 Refe rencesFull Contents vii Preface xv About the Editors xvii List of Contributors xix I NEUROSCIENCE 1. Fundamentals of Neuroscience FLOYD E. BLOOM A Brief History of Neuroscience 3 The Terminology of Nervous Systems Is Hierarchical, Distributed, Descriptive, and Historically Based 3 Neurons and Glia Are Cellular Building Blocks of the Nervous System 4 The Operative Processes of Nervous Systems Are also Hierarchical 5 Cellular Organization of the Brain 6 Organization of this Text 7 This Book Is Intended for a Broad Range of Scholars of the Neurosciences 8 Clinical Issues in the Neurosciences 8 The Spirit of Exploration Continues 9 The Genomic Inventory Is a Giant Step Forward 9 Neuroscience Today: A Communal Endeavor 10 The Creation of Knowledge 10 Responsible Conduct 11 Summary 13 References 13 2. Basic Plan of the Nervous System LARRY W. SWANSON Introduction 15 Evolution Highlights: General Organizing Principles 15 Development Reveals Basic Vertebrate Parts 22 The Basic Plan of Nervous System Connectivity 27 Overview of the Adult Mammalian Nervous System 31 References 37 Suggested Readings 38 II CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 3. Cellular Components of Nervous Tissue PATRICK R. HOF, JEAN DE VELLIS, ESTHER A. NIMCHINSKY, GRAHAME KIDD, LUZ CLAUDIO, AND BRUCE D. TRAPP Neurons 41 Specifi c Examples of Different Neuronal Types 45 Neuroglia 47 Cerebral Vasculature 54 References 57 Suggested Readings 58 4. Subcellular Organization of the Nervous System: Organelles and Their Functions SCOTT T. BRADY, DAVID R. COLMAN, AND PETER J. BROPHY Axons and Dendrites: Unique Structural Components of Neurons 59 Protein Synthesis in Nervous Tissue 63 Cytoskeletons of Neurons and Glial Cells 70 Molecular Motors in the Nervous System 77 Building and Maintaining Nervous System Cells 80 References 85
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