SHORT CONTENTS 35. Central Control of Autonomic Functions: VII Organization of the autonomic Nervous System 807 BEHAVIORAL AND COGNITIVE 36. Neural Regulation of the Cardiovascular NEUROSCIENCE 37. Neural Control of Breathing 855 44. Human Brain Evolution 1019 38. Food Intake and Metabolism 873 45. Cognitive Development and Aging 1039 39. Water Intake and Body Fluids 889 46. Visual Perception of Objects 1067 40. Neuroendocrine Systems 905 47. Spatial 41. Circadian Timekeeping 931 48. Attention 1113 2. Sleep, Dreaming, and Wakefulness 959 49. Learning and Memory: Basic Mechanisms 1133 43. Reward, Motivation, and Addiction 987 0. Learning and Memory: Brain Systems 1153 51. Language and Communication 1179 52. The prefrontal Cortex and Executive brain Functions 1199 53. The Neuroscience of consciousness 122335. Central Control of Autonomic Functions: Organization of the Autonomic Nervous System 807 36. Neural Regulation of the Cardiovascular System 829 37. Neural Control of Breathing 855 38. Food Intake and Metabolism 873 39. Water Intake and Body Fluids 889 40. Neuroendocrine Systems 905 41. Circadian Timekeeping 931 42. Sleep, Dreaming, and Wakefulness 959 43. Reward, Motivation, and Addiction 987 VII BEHAVIORAL AND COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 44. Human Brain Evolution 1019 45. Cognitive Development and Aging 1039 46. Visual Perception of Objects 1067 47. Spatial Cognition 1091 48. Attention 1113 49. Learning and Memory: Basic Mechanisms 1133 50. Learning and Memory: Brain Systems 1153 51. Language and Communication 1179 52. The Prefrontal Cortex and Executive Brain Functions 1199 53. The Neuroscience of Consciousness 1223 vi SHORT CONTENTS
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