Short Contents 18. Target Selection, Topographic Maps, and Synapse Formation 401 NEUROSCIENCE 19. Programmed Cell Death and Neurotrophic 1. Fundamentals of Neuroscience 3 2. Basic Plan of the Nervous System 15 20. Synapse Elimination 469 21. Dendritic Development 491 22. Early Experience and Sensitive Periods 517 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE SENSORY SYSTEMS 3. Cellular Components of Nervous Tissue 41 23. Fundamentals of Sensory Systems 535 4. Subcellular Organization of the Nervous System 24. Chemical Senses: Taste and Olfaction 549 25. Somatosensory System 581 5. Electrotonic Properties of Axons and Dendrites 87 26. Audition 609 6. Membrane potential and Action potential 111 27. Vision 637 7. Neurotransmitters 133 8. Release of Neurotransmitters 157 9. Neurotransmitter Receptors 181 10. Intracellular Signaling 205 1. Postsynaptic Potentials and Synaptic MOTOR SYSTEMS Integration 227 12. Complex Information Processing in Dendrites 247 28. Fundamentals of Motor Systems 663 13. Brain Energy Metabolism 271 29. The Spinal and Peripheral Motor System 677 30. Descending Control of Movement 699 31. The Basal Ganglia 725 33. Eye Movements 775 NERVOUS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 14. Neural Induction and Pattern Formation 297 REGULATORY SYSTEMS 15. Cellular Determination 321 16. Neurogenesis and Migration 351 34. The Hypothalamus: An Overview of Regulatory 17. Growth Cones and Axon PathfindShort Contents v I NEUROSCIENCE 1. Fundamentals of Neuroscience 3 2. Basic Plan of the Nervous System 15 II CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 3. Cellular Components of Nervous Tissue 41 4. Subcellular Organization of the Nervous System: Organelles and Their Functions 59 5. Electrotonic Properties of Axons and Dendrites 87 6. Membrane Potential and Action Potential 111 7. Neurotransmitters 133 8. Release of Neurotransmitters 157 9. Neurotransmitter Receptors 181 10. Intracellular Signaling 205 11. Postsynaptic Potentials and Synaptic Integration 227 12. Complex Information Processing in Dendrites 247 13. Brain Energy Metabolism 271 III NERVOUS SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 14. Neural Induction and Pattern Formation 297 15. Cellular Determination 321 16. Neurogenesis and Migration 351 17. Growth Cones and Axon Pathfi nding 377 18. Target Selection, Topographic Maps, and Synapse Formation 401 19. Programmed Cell Death and Neurotrophic Factors 437 20. Synapse Elimination 469 21. Dendritic Development 491 22. Early Experience and Sensitive Periods 517 IV SENSORY SYSTEMS 23. Fundamentals of Sensory Systems 535 24. Chemical Senses: Taste and Olfaction 549 25. Somatosensory System 581 26. Audition 609 27. Vision 637 V MOTOR SYSTEMS 28. Fundamentals of Motor Systems 663 29. The Spinal and Peripheral Motor System 677 30. Descending Control of Movement 699 31. The Basal Ganglia 725 32. Cerebellum 751 33. Eye Movements 775 VI REGULATORY SYSTEMS 34. The Hypothalamus: An Overview of Regulatory Systems 795
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