Meredith:What did you just say?Did you just call me a nurse? Karev:Well,if the white cap fits Meredith's pager beeps and she walks away. Meredith:Damnit,Katie.(not running this time) Karev:She seeing anybody? George:I don't know. Karev:(whistles)She's hot. George:I'm friends with her.I mean,kinda friends,I mean,not,you know,actually friends,not exactly,but we'retight.We hang out.I mean,really only just today- Karev:Dude. George:-but- Karev:Dude.Stop talking. (Cutto Meredith,walking up the stairs to Katie.She's not ina hurry.She sees nurses rushing into Nurse 1(echoey voice):What took you so long? Nurse 2 (echoey voice):She's having multiple grand mal seizures.now how do you want to proceed?Dr. rey?Are you listening to me?She's got Diazepam,2mg Diazepam Ijust gave hera second ago,Dr.Grey,you need to tell us what you want to do.Dr Grey! (Meredith is panicking.She picks up the chart and voices stop sounding echoey.) Meredith:Okay,she's full on Prazepam? Nurse 1:She's had 4mg. Meredith:Did you pageDr.Bailey and DrShepherd? Nurse 2:The Prazepam's not working. Meredith:Phenobarbital,load her with Phenobarbital. Meredith: What did you just say? Did you just call me a nurse? Karev: Well, if the white cap fits. Meredith's pager beeps and she walks away. Meredith: Damnit, Katie.(not running this time) Karev: She seeing anybody? George: I don't know. Karev: (whistles) She's hot. George: I'm friends with her. I mean, kinda friends, I mean, not, you know, actually friends, not exactly, but we're tight. We hang out. I mean, really only just today - Karev: Dude. George: - but - Karev: Dude. Stop talking. (Cut to Meredith, walking up the stairs to Katie. She's not in a hurry. She sees nurses rushing into the room and starts to run.) Nurse 1 (echoey voice): What took you so long? Nurse 2 (echoey voice): She's having multiple grand mal seizures, now how do you want to proceed? Dr. Grey? Are you listening to me? She's got Diazepam, 2mg Diazepam, I just gave her a second ago, Dr. Grey, you need to tell us what you want to do. Dr Grey! (Meredith is panicking. She picks up the chart and voices stop sounding echoey.) Meredith: Okay, she's full on Prazepam? Nurse 1: She's had 4mg. Meredith: Did you page Dr. Bailey and Dr Shepherd? Nurse 2: The Prazepam's not working. Meredith: Phenobarbital, load her with Phenobarbital
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