Nurse:Well,you know what that means.(ooks to Bailey) Izzie:Can't we just.pagesomeone else? Nurse:She's the on-call resident. Izzie:Okay.Okay,just-'wake her.(walks over,taps Bailey's shoulder)Dr Bailey,Idon't mean to bother you,but- Bailey:Then don't. Izzie:It'sMr.ones. Bailey:Ishe dying? Izzie:No. Bailey:Then stoptalking to me. (lzzie turns away,turns back.Bailey gives up on sleep and sits up.) Bailey:What is it? (Cut to Bailey finishing up with the centralline.) Bailey:Next time you wake me,he better be so close to dead there's a tagon his toe. (Cut to the city going from night to day.Several shots of Cristina/George/zzie looking overworked.) Karev(male intern):4B'sgot post-op pneumonia.Let's start antibiotics. Nurse:Are you sure that's the right diagnosis? Karev:Wellldon't know,I'mony an intern.Here's an idea,why don't you go spend four years in med school and let me know if it's the right diagnosis.She's short of breath,she's got fever,she's post-op.Start the antibiotics.(walks over to Meredith)God I hate nurses.I'm Alex I'm with Jeremy,you're with the Nazi,right? Meredith:She may not have pneumonia,you know.She coul be splinting,or have a PE Karev:Like Isaid,I hate nurses.Nurse: Well, you know what that means. (looks to Bailey) Izzie: Can't we just.page someone else? Nurse: She's the on-call resident. Izzie: Okay. Okay, I'll just - I'll wake her. (walks over, taps Bailey's shoulder) Dr Bailey, I don't mean to bother you, but - Bailey: Then don't. Izzie: It's Mr. Jones. Bailey: Is he dying? Izzie: No. Bailey: Then stop talking to me. (Izzie turns away, turns back. Bailey gives up on sleep and sits up.) Bailey: What is it? (Cut to Bailey finishing up with the central line.) Bailey: Next time you wake me, he better be so close to dead there's a tag on his toe. (Cut to the city going from night to day. Several shots of Cristina/George/Izzie looking overworked.) Karev (male intern): 4B's got post-op pneumonia. Let's start antibiotics. Nurse: Are you sure that's the right diagnosis? Karev: Well I don't know, I'm only an intern. Here's an idea, why don't you go spend four years in med school and let me know if it's the right diagnosis. She's short of breath, she's got fever, she's post-op. Start the antibiotics. (walks over to Meredith) God I hate nurses. I'm Alex. I'm with Jeremy, you're with the Nazi, right? Meredith: She may not have pneumonia, you know. She could be splinting, or have a PE. Karev: Like I said, I hate nurses
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