傅更洋,等组织工程化神经修复周国神经创伤的应用 Www. cRter.o [6] Kim DH, Connolly SE, Kline DGet al Labeled Schwann [25]Van RL, Bayliss CE, Roncari DA Cytological transplants versus sural nerve grafts in nerve repair. J enzymological characterization of adult human adipocyte Neurosurg.199480(2)254-260 precursors in culture. J Clin Invest. 1976: 58(3): 699-704. [7 Hudson TW, Evans GR, Schmidt CE. Engineering strategies [26 Gimble J, Guilak F Adipose-derived adult stem cells: isolation, for peripheral nerve repair. Orthop Clin North Am characterization, and differentiation potential. Cytotherapy 2000:31(3)485-498 [8] Ringe J, Kaps C, Burmester GR, et al. Stem cells for [27 Strem BM, Hicok KC, Zhu M,et al. Multipotential differentiatio regenerative medicine advances in the engineering of tissues of adipose tissue-derived stem cells. Keio J Med and organs. Naturwissenschaften. 2002: 89(8): 338-351 2005;54(3):132-14 [9] Rodriguez FJ, Verdu E, Ceballos D, et al. Nerve guides [28] De Ugarte DA, Morizono K, Elbarbary A, et al. Comparison of seeded with autologous schwann cells improve nerve regeneration. Exp Neurol. 2000: 161(2): 571-584 marrow Cells Tissues Organs. 2003: 174(3): 101-109. [10 Spierings E, Vleggeert-Lankamp CL, Marani E, et al. [29 Pittenger MF, Mackay AM, Beck SC, et al. Multilineage Allorecognition of artificial nerve guides filed with human potential of adult human mesenchymal stem cells. Science Schwann cells: an in vitro pilot study. Transplantation 1999284(5411):143-147 200069(3)455-456 [30 Aust L, Devlin B, Foster SJ, et al. Yield of human [11] Sheng Z, Fu X, Cai S, et al. Regeneration of functional sweat adipose-derived adult stem cells from liposuction aspirates gland-like structures by transplanted differentiated bone Cytotherapy. 2004: 6(1): 7-14 marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Wound Repair Regen [31 Kingham PJ, Kalbermatten DF, Mahay D,et al 2009:17(3)427-435 Adipose-derived stem cells differentiate into a Schwann cell [12 Oric D, Kajstura J, Chimenti S, et al. Bone marrow cel genotype and promote neurite outgrowth in vitro Exp Neurol. regenerate infarcted myocardium. Nature 2007207(2):267-274 2001410(6829):701-705 [32 Xu Y, Liu L, Li Y,et al. Myelin-forming ability of Schwann [13]Oswald J, Boxberger S, Jorgensen B, et al. Mesenchymal cell-like cells induced from rat adipose-derived stem cells in stem cells can be differentiated into endothelial cells in vitro. Brain Res. 2008: 1239: 49-55 vitro Stem Cells. 2004; 22(3): 377-384 [33 Chi Gf, Kim MR, Kim DW, et al. Schwann cells differentiated [14]Kopen GC, Prockop DJ, Phinney DG Marrow stromal cells from spheroid-forming cells of rat subcutaneous fat tissue migrate throughout forebrain and cerebellum, and they myelinate axons in the spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol differentiate into astrocytes after injection into neonatal mouse 2010222(2):304317 brains. Proc Natl Acad Sci U SA. 1999; 96(19): 10711-10716. [34 di Summa PG, Kalbermatten DF, Pralong E, et al. Long-term in 5 Hofstetter CP, Schwarz EJ, Hess D, et al. Marrow stromal cells vivo regeneration of peripheral nerves through bioengineered form guiding strands in the injured spinal cord and promote erve grafts Neuroscience. 2011: 181: 278-291 covery. Proc Natl Acad Sci U SA. 2002: 99(4): 2199-2204 [35] Bithell A, Williams BP Neural stem cells and cell replacement [16]Jiang Y, Jahagirdar BN, Reinhardt RL, et al. Pluripotency of therapy: making the right cells. Clin Sci (Lond mesenchymal stem cells derived from adult marrow Nature. 2005:108(1):13-22. 02418(6893)41-49 6] Murakami T, Fujimoto Y, Yasunaga Y,et al. Transplanted [17] Tohill M, Mantovani C, Wiberg M, et al. Rat bone marrow neuronal progenitor cells in a peripheral nerve gap promote mesenchymal stem cells express glial markers and stimulate nerve repair. Brain Res. 2003: 974(1-2): 17-24 nerve regeneration. Neurosci Lett. 2004: 362(3): 200-203 [37 Heine W, Conant K, Griffin JW, et al. Transplanted neural stem [18]Choi BH, Zhu SJ, Kim BY, et al. Transplantation of cultured cells promote axonal regeneration through chronically one marrow stromal cells to improve peripheral nerve regeneration. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2005; 34(5): 537-542 2004:189(2)231-240. [19 Caddick J, Kingham PJ, Gardiner NJ, et al. Phenotypic and [38 Luis AL, Rodrigues JM, Geuna S, et al. Use of PLGA 90: 10 ional characteristics of differentiated along a Schwann cell lineage. Glia repairing rat sciatic nerve defects. Tissue Eng Part A. 2006;54(8)840-849 2008:14(6):979-993 [20Keilhoff G, Goihl A, Stang F,et al. Peripheral nerve tissue [39 Amado s, Rodrigues JM, Luis AL, et al. 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