EXample You' ve just cloned a new gene from Pombe look it up in ModBase putative galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase (GenBank accession 3006192) ASE TARGET MODEL DATA TEMPLATE Model/ old Sequenc Sequence Reliabilty based vie Database Database Organism Segment Annotation Links Annotation 端需噩密 serineithreonine Q“。TRQ60145 Dataset 39871368298450016-1211.00141291 human cyclin-dependent SP/TR-2001 PFAM kinase erineithre onine Q∴TR96045Dt5e 述的代39859423000111100824260msep38 SP/TR-2001 PFAM Q“TRQ60145Daae 45393533031010 bitchin SP/TR-2001 PFAM serinelthreonine ScHamps-depende 速为39823936020101010°:23281021371804 lapm 3 2(catalytic ubunit)alpha isoe Pieper, Ursula, Narayanan Eswar, Ashley C. Stuart, Valentin A Ilyin, and Andrej sali. "MODBASE, A Database of Annotated Comparative Protein Structure Models "Nuc. Acids Res. 30(2002 255-259 http://alto.compbio.ucsf.edu/modbase-cgi/index.cgiExample You’ve just cloned a new gene from Pombe - look it up in ModBase • putative galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase (GenBank accession # 3006192) Pieper, Ursula, Narayanan Eswar, Ashley C. Stuart, Valentin A. Ilyin, and Andrej Sali. "MODBASE, A Database of Annotated Comparative Protein Structure Models." Nucl. Acids Res. 30 (2002): 255-259. http://alto.compbio.ucsf.edu/modbase-cgi/index.cgi