The Economics of Money and Banking Chapter 9 Money Demand and Money Supply 》》 Implication of Money Demand 1 Definition Money Demand Money demand refers to the need that people are willing to hold their income and assets in the form of money. Nominal money demand and real money demand real money demand=nominal money demand/price index Macro and micro money demand Subjective money demand and objective money demand 3 GUO YING SEM TONGJI UNIVERSITYThe Economics of Money and Banking 3 GUO YING SEM TONGJI UNIVERSITY 1 Implication of Money Demand Money Demand Money demand refers to the need that people are willing to hold their income and assets in the form of money. Definition  Nominal money demand and real money demand real money demand=nominal money demand/ price index  Macro and micro money demand  Subjective money demand and objective money demand Chapter 9 Money Demand and Money Supply
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