Preface will aid the forensic scientist wishing to analyze a nondescript white powder is it heroin or flour? The list of scientific subject areas involving or its doval d go ing new mole on and on.Ore chemistr ting su bject since it leads to an esse tial nderstandingo The order in which the arly topics of this book are sented is i The first tw lust why doe structure and bor The third s ctional grou cr are to be capable ing e apparent actio whic 0r8a4 pounds on D nd E in by secti y, e b asic th eory on ms nucleophil ean e r ns can be u order.These look at the react the common functional groups which are important ir that studen ill find this textbook useful in their studies and ey have graspe what organic stry is all about they will read more widely and enter a truly exciting world of molecular science.will aid the forensic scientist wishing to analyze a nondescript white powder – is it heroin or flour? The list of scientific subject areas involving organic chemistry is endless – designing spacesuits, developing new photographic dyes, inventing new mole￾cular technology in microelectronics – one could go on and on. Organic chemistry is an exciting subject since it leads to an essential understanding of molecules and their properties. The order in which the early topics of this book are presented is important. The first two sections cover structure and bonding, which are crucial to later sections. Just why does carbon form four bonds? What is hybridization? The third section on functional groups is equally crucial if students are to be capable of categorizing the apparent maze of reactions which organic compounds can undergo. It is followed by section D on stereochemistry, then sections E and F, in which the basic theory of reactions and mechanisms is covered. What are nucleophiles and electrophiles? What does a mechanism represent? What does a curly arrow mean? The remaining sections can be used in any order. These look at the reactions and mechanisms of the common functional groups which are important in chemistry and biochemistry. It is hoped that students will find this textbook useful in their studies and that once they have grasped what organic chemistry is all about they will read more widely and enter a truly exciting world of molecular science. x Preface
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