Vol.31 Suppl.1 李闯等:铁水预处理中钛硅锰同时脱除规律及工艺 .91 加固体氧化剂或气体氧进行铁水预处理, iron production.Angang Technol,2007(2):28 (喻爱国,张新义,韩淑范,等.低钛铁水生产实践.鞍钢技术, 参考文献 2007(2):28) [1]Jung S M.Fruchan R J.Thermodynamics of titanium oxide in la- [6]Hiroshige A.Kazuki M.Nobuo S.Phase equilibria for the Mno- dle slag1SIJ1nt,2001,41(12):1447 SiO2-Ti2O3 system.ISIJ Int.1996.36(1):26 [2]Wen GY.Yan Y Z.Zhao S J.et al.Properties of liquid iron con- [7]Zhu C Y,Li G Q.Manganese distribution equilibrium between taining vanadium and titanium.Iron Steel.1996,31(2):6 CaO-FetO-SiO2-MnO-P20s(Al203)slags and carbon saturated (文光远,邱敏璋,赵诗金,等.含钒钛铁水性质的研究·钢铁, iron-1SJ1nt,2008,48(2):123 1996,31(2):6) [8]Simeonov S R,Sano N.Manganese Equilibrium distribution be- [3]Wen G Y.Pretreatment of the hot iron containing vanadium and tween carbon"saturated iron melts and line based slags containing titanium.JChongqing Univ (Nat Sci).1999.22(2):113 MnO,BaO and Na2O.Trans Iron Steel Inst Jpn.1985.25; 1116 (文光远,含钒钛铁水的预处理,重庆大学学报(自然科学 版),1999,22(2):113) [9]Jung S M.Kim H.Rhee C H.et al.Thermodynamie study on [4]Wen G Y.Zhu Q H.Research on pretreatment of the hot iron MnO behavior in MgO-saturated slag containing FeO.ISI/Int, containing vanadium and titanium.Part I-Hot metal extra 1993,33(10):1049 furnace desiliconization and removing of titanium.Metall [10]Rao D P,Gaskell D R.The thermodynamic properties of melts Sichuan,1998(04):15 in the system MnO-Si02.Metall Mater Trans B.1981,12B (文光远,朱琼华.含钒钛铁水预处理的研究之一一铁水炉 (2):311 外脱硅和脱钛.四川治金,1998(4):15) [11]Turkdogan E T.Physical Chemistry of High Temperature [5]Yu A G.Zhang X Y.Han S F,et al.Practice of low ti molten Technology.New York:Academic Press.1980:8加固体氧化剂或气体氧进行铁水预处理. 参 考 文 献 [1] Jung S M‚Fruehan R J.Thermodynamics of titanium oxide in la￾dle slag.ISIJ Int‚2001‚41(12):1447 [2] Wen G Y‚Yan Y Z‚Zhao S J‚et al.Properties of liquid iron con￾taining vanadium and titanium.Iron Steel‚1996‚31(2):6 (文光远‚鄢敏璋‚赵诗金‚等.含钒钛铁水性质的研究.钢铁‚ 1996‚31(2):6) [3] Wen G Y.Pretreatment of the hot iron containing vanadium and titanium.J Chongqing Univ ( Nat Sci)‚1999‚22(2):113 (文光远.含钒钛铁水的预处理.重庆大学学报(自然科学 版)‚1999‚22(2):113) [4] Wen G Y‚Zhu Q H.Research on pretreatment of the hot iron containing vanadium and titanium.Part Ⅰ———Hot metal extra furnace desiliconization and removing of titanium. Metall Sichuan‚1998(04):15 (文光远‚朱琼华.含钒钛铁水预处理的研究之一———铁水炉 外脱硅和脱钛.四川冶金‚1998(4):15) [5] Yu A G‚Zhang X Y‚Han S F‚et al.Practice of low ti molten iron production.A ngang Technol‚2007(2):28 (喻爱国‚张新义‚韩淑范‚等.低钛铁水生产实践.鞍钢技术‚ 2007(2):28) [6] Hiroshige A‚Kazuki M‚Nobuo S.Phase equilibria for the MnO￾SiO2-Ti2O3system.ISIJ Int‚1996‚36(1):26 [7] Zhu C Y‚Li G Q.Manganese distribution equilibrium between CaO-FetO-SiO2-MnO-P2O5-(Al2O3) slags and carbon saturated iron.ISIJ Int‚2008‚48(2):123 [8] Simeonov S R‚Sano N.Manganese Equilibrium distribution be￾tween carbon-saturated iron melts and line based slags containing MnO‚BaO and Na2O.T rans Iron Steel Inst Jpn‚1985‚25: 1116 [9] Jung S M‚Kim S H‚Rhee C H‚et al.Thermodynamic study on MnO behavior in MgO-saturated slag containing FeO.ISIJ Int‚ 1993‚33(10):1049 [10] Rao D P‚Gaskell D R.The thermodynamic properties of melts in the system MnO-SiO2. Metall Mater T rans B‚1981‚12B (2):311 [11] Turkdogan E T. Physical Chemistry of High Temperature Technology.New York:Academic Press‚1980:8 Vol.31Suppl.1 李 闯等: 铁水预处理中钛硅锰同时脱除规律及工艺 ·91·
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