What is Marketing Management? is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value 营销是科学还是艺术? “既具艺术性,更具科学性;营销的艺术性象天上的风筝,天有 多高,就可以飞多高,其科学性则是风筝的线;没有线的风 筝,不仅不可能飞得很高,而且,也只能是乱飞,因为离开了 线的牵引和指导,它没有根据和目标。 (PKU江明华) 2008-3-5 Marketing Management UG)2008-3-5 Marketing Management (UG) 5 What is Marketing Management? • is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value. • 营销是科学还是艺术? – “既具艺术性,更具科学性;营销的艺术性象天上的风筝,天有 多高,就可以飞多高,其科学性则是风筝的线;没有线的风 筝,不仅不可能飞得很高,而且,也只能是乱飞,因为离开了 线的牵引和指导,它没有根据和目标。” ---- (PKU 江明华 )