煽动的 curve v. to bend or movein the shape of a curve,or tomake somethingdo this 弯,使弯曲,成曲形 n.a line that gradually bends like part of a circle 曲线,弯曲 murmur v.to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear 发低沉连续的声音,发怨言,低声说,低语 n.a soft low sound made by people speaking quietly or a long way away 低沉连续的声音,咕哝,怨言,低语 uncontrollably ad.if an emotion,desire,or physical action is uncontrollable,you cannot control it or stop yourselffrom feeling it or doing it 无法控制地 graying a.one's hair becominggray 泛灰(色)的 tuck v. to push something,especially the edge of a piece of cloth or paper,into or behind somethingso that it looks tidier or stays in place (将衣服等物的边缘)塞入(以显得整洁) plump a.slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way-used especially about women or children, often to avoid saying the word"fat" 圆胖的,丰满的。鼓起的 thick-ankled a. the ankles are thick 脚踝很粗的 thrust v.1 to put something somewherewith a quick hard push 猛塞,猛推 2to push somethingsomewhere roughly 推,挤入,刺,戳,强加,延伸强行推进 split v. if a group of people splits,or if it is split,people in the group disagree strongly with each other and the group sometimes divides into separate smaller groups 劈开,(使)裂开,分裂,分离 煽动的 curve v. to bend or move in the shape of a curve, or to make something do this 弯,使弯曲,成曲形 n. a line that gradually bends like part of a circle 曲线,弯曲 murmur v. to say something in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear 发低沉连续的声音,发怨言,低声说,低语 n. a soft low sound made by people speaking quietly or a long way away 低沉连续的声音,咕哝,怨言,低语 uncontrollably ad. if an emotion, desire, or physical action is uncontrollable, you cannot control it or stop yourself from feeling it or doing it 无法控制地 graying a. one's hair becoming gray 泛灰(色)的 tuck v. to push something, especially the edge of a piece of cloth or paper, into or behind something so that it looks tidier or stays in place (将衣服等物的边缘)塞入(以显得整洁) plump a. slightly fat in a fairly pleasant way — used especially about women or children, often to avoid saying the word "fat" 圆胖的,丰满的,鼓起的 thick-ankled a. the ankles are thick 脚踝很粗的 thrust v. ① to put something somewhere with a quick hard push 猛塞,猛推 ② to push something somewhere roughly 推,挤入,刺,戳,强加,延伸,强行推进 split v. if a group of people splits, or if it is split, people in the group disagree strongly with each other and the group sometimes divides into separate smaller groups 劈开,(使)裂开,分裂,分离
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