vi Preface In this text,we present recent work of 13 leaders in the field of multi- scale mechanics,along with their coauthors,aimed at composite materials and structures.It is our hope that you the reader will in turn be challenged by these chapters,and that you will find your own paths to future develop- ments in what amounts to one of the great problems of our time. The editors thank Peter Beaumont because the inception of this book came out at the meeting"Advances in Multiscale Modeling of Composite Material Systems and Components"held in Monterey,California organized by him;Caitlin Wormesley,Greg Franklin,Carol Day,and Alex Greene of Springer for their support;and Patricia Worster at University of Nebrska for her dedicated service in editing all manuscripts. Y.W.Kwon D.H.Allen R.Talrejavi Preface The editors thank Peter Beaumont because the inception of this book Material Systems and Components” held in Monterey, California organized by him; Caitlin Wormesley, Greg Franklin, Carol Day, and Alex Greene of Springer for their support; and Patricia Worster at University of Nebrska for her dedicated service in editing all manuscripts. Y.W. Kwon D.H. Allen R. Talreja In this text, we present recent work of 13 leaders in the field of multi￾scale mechanics, along with their coauthors, aimed at composite materials and structures. It is our hope that you the reader will in turn be challenged by these chapters, and that you will find your own paths to future develop￾ments in what amounts to one of the great problems of our time. came out at the meeting “Advances in Multiscale Modeling of Composite
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