Contents PrefaceV Chapter 1 Account for Random Microstructure in Multiscale Models.................... Vadim V.Silberschmidt Chapter 2 Multiscale Modeling of Tensile Failure in Fiber-Reinforced Composites....... .37 Zhenhai Xia and W.A.Curtin Chapter 3 Adaptive Concurrent Multi-Level Model for Multiscale Analysis of Composite Materials Including Damage................. 83 Somnath Ghosh Chapter 4 Multiscale and Multilevel Modeling of Composites...................... 165 Young W.Kwon Chapter 5 A Micromechanics-Based Notion of Stress for Use in the Determination of Continuum-Level Mechanical Properties via Molecular Dynamics... 203 Francesco Costanzo and Gary L.Gray Chapter 6 Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Deformation in Nanoscale Metallic Multilayered Composites 235 F.Akasheh and H.M.ZbibChapter 1 Vadim V. Silberschmidt Chapter 2 Multiscale Modeling of Tensile Failure in Fiber-Reinforced Chapter 3 Somnath Ghosh Chapter 4 Young W. Kwon Chapter 5 in the Determination of Continuum-Level Mechanical Properties Francesco Costanzo and Gary L. Gray Chapter 6 Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Deformation Contents Zhenhai Xia and W.A. Curtin A Micromechanics-Based Notion of Stress for Use F. Akasheh and H.M. Zbib Preface ........................................................................................................v Composites ................................................................................................37 of Composite Materials Including Damage ...............................................83 Multiscale and Multilevel Modeling of Composites...............................165 via Molecular Dynamics ..........................................................................203 in Nanoscale Metallic Multilayered Composites ....................................235 Account for Random Microstructure in Multiscale Models ........................1 Adaptive Concurrent Multi-Level Model for Multiscale Analysis
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