工程科学学报,第38卷,第2期:230-234,2016年2月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.38,No.2:230-234,February 2016 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2016.02.011:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 析出粒子对钛微合金化高强钢奥氏体晶粒长大的 影响 罗许2》,杨财水”,康永林),李俊洪) 1)北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京1000832)攀钢集团研究院有限公司,攀枝花617000 ☒通信作者,E-mail:kangylin@usth.cdu.cm 摘要通过析出粒子与奥氏体晶粒尺寸的定量关系,建立奥氏体晶粒长大模型,计算TN和TC析出粒子共同作用下钛微 合金化钢奥氏体晶粒尺寸.根据析出相质点理论计算结果表明:随着加热温度的升高,析出粒子体积分数逐渐减少,粒子半 径逐渐增大,TC粒子强烈阻止奥氏体晶粒长大,TN粒子对奥氏体品粒长大钉扎效果一般.采用实验测试手段测量不同加热 温度下保温30min后实验钢的奥氏体晶粒尺寸,与理论计算结果吻合较好. 关键词高强钢:微合金化:奥氏体:晶粒长大:析出粒子;模拟 分类号TG142.33 Effect of precipitates on the austenite grain growth of titanium microalloyed high performance steel LUO Xu'),YANG Cai-shui,KANG Yong-in,LI Jun-hong? 1)School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Seience and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2)Pangang Group Research Institute Co.,Lid.,Panzhihua 617000,China Corresponding author,E-mail:kangylin@ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT An austenite grain growth model was established by analyzing the quantificational relationship between precipitates and austenite grain size.The austenite grain size of Ti microalloyed steel with the interaction of TiN and TiC particles was calculated by using the austenite grain growth model.The calculated results of the precipitation particle theory indicate that the volume fraction of precipitates gradually decreases and the particle radius increases with increasing temperature.The austenite grain growth is strongly impeded by TiC particles,while the pinning force of TiN on austenite grains is weak.The austenite grain size of the tested steels was measured by a test method at different heating temperatures within 30 min.The results are in good agreement with theoretical calcula- tions. KEY WORDS high strength steel;microalloying:austenite:grain growth:precipitation particles;modeling 微合金钢的再加热过程是带钢控轧控冷过程的重的碳氮化物聚集在奥氏体晶界阻止奥氏体晶粒长大 要阶段,直接影响微合金元素碳氮化物的固溶和原始 Ohno等网对不同含Ti量再加热过程中低碳钢奥氏体 奥氏体的晶粒尺寸,从而对带钢的微观组织和力学性晶粒进行分析,发现随着含量的增加,析出粒子对 能产生重要影响.Sha和Sunm通过对Nb-V-Ti微合 奥氏体晶粒长大的阻碍作用越来越强.T微合金元素 金钢奥氏体晶粒长大行为的研究,发现奥氏体晶粒随 对热轧带钢再加热过程具有重要影响.因此,研究奥 着加热温度的增加而长大,在温度低于1250℃时,T 氏体晶粒长大模型并预测钛微合金化钢奥氏体晶粒尺 收稿日期:2014-1205 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2013AA031601):国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1460101)工程科学学报,第 38 卷,第 2 期: 230--234,2016 年 2 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 38,No. 2: 230--234,February 2016 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2016. 02. 011; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 析出粒子对钛微合金化高强钢奥氏体晶粒长大的 影响 罗 许1,2) ,杨财水1) ,康永林1) ,李俊洪2) 1) 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100083 2) 攀钢集团研究院有限公司,攀枝花 617000  通信作者,E-mail: kangylin@ ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 通过析出粒子与奥氏体晶粒尺寸的定量关系,建立奥氏体晶粒长大模型,计算 TiN 和 TiC 析出粒子共同作用下钛微 合金化钢奥氏体晶粒尺寸. 根据析出相质点理论计算结果表明: 随着加热温度的升高,析出粒子体积分数逐渐减少,粒子半 径逐渐增大,TiC 粒子强烈阻止奥氏体晶粒长大,TiN 粒子对奥氏体晶粒长大钉扎效果一般. 采用实验测试手段测量不同加热 温度下保温 30 min 后实验钢的奥氏体晶粒尺寸,与理论计算结果吻合较好. 关键词 高强钢; 微合金化; 奥氏体; 晶粒长大; 析出粒子; 模拟 分类号 TG142. 33 Effect of precipitates on the austenite grain growth of titanium microalloyed high performance steel LUO Xu1,2) ,YANG Cai-shui1) ,KANG Yong-lin1)  ,LI Jun-hong2) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2) Pangang Group Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Panzhihua 617000,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: kangylin@ ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT An austenite grain growth model was established by analyzing the quantificational relationship between precipitates and austenite grain size. The austenite grain size of Ti microalloyed steel with the interaction of TiN and TiC particles was calculated by using the austenite grain growth model. The calculated results of the precipitation particle theory indicate that the volume fraction of precipitates gradually decreases and the particle radius increases with increasing temperature. The austenite grain growth is strongly impeded by TiC particles,while the pinning force of TiN on austenite grains is weak. The austenite grain size of the tested steels was measured by a test method at different heating temperatures within 30 min. The results are in good agreement with theoretical calcula￾tions. KEY WORDS high strength steel; microalloying; austenite; grain growth; precipitation particles; modeling 收稿日期: 2014--12--05 基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目( 2013AA031601) ; 国家自然科学基金资助项目( U1460101) 微合金钢的再加热过程是带钢控轧控冷过程的重 要阶段,直接影响微合金元素碳氮化物的固溶和原始 奥氏体的晶粒尺寸,从而对带钢的微观组织和力学性 能产生重要影响. Sha 和 Sun[1]通过对 Nb--V--Ti 微合 金钢奥氏体晶粒长大行为的研究,发现奥氏体晶粒随 着加热温度的增加而长大,在温度低于 1250 ℃ 时,Ti 的碳氮化物聚集在奥氏体晶界阻止奥氏体晶粒长大. Ohno 等[2]对不同含 Ti 量再加热过程中低碳钢奥氏体 晶粒进行分析,发现随着 Ti 含量的增加,析出粒子对 奥氏体晶粒长大的阻碍作用越来越强. Ti 微合金元素 对热轧带钢再加热过程具有重要影响. 因此,研究奥 氏体晶粒长大模型并预测钛微合金化钢奥氏体晶粒尺
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