Unit7 Living Abroad New Words词汇表 appreciate v.1to admire greatly;to value 欣赏,重视 2 to be thankfulor show gratitude for 感谢,感激,对…表示感激 blundern. a usually serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion 谬误,愚蠢的错误 assumption n. something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof;a supposition 假定 establishment n. any institution,organization,or business 机构,团体,企业 convenience n.the quality of being suitable to one's comfort,purposes,or needs 适合,方便;合适的时间,便利的事物 guarantee v. to assumeresponsibility for debt,default,or miscarriage,or the quality or performance of 对提出担保,约定,许诺 pace n. a manner of walking or running,or the rate of speed at which an activity or a movement proceeds 速度,步调,步法 ideal n. a conception of something in its absolute perfection;an ultimate object of endeavor;a goal 理想,目标 savor v.1 to taste or smell,especially with pleasure (尤指快乐地)品尝,闻 to appreciate fully;to enjoyor relish 十分欣赏,玩味或喜欢Unit 7 Living Abroad New Words 词汇表 appreciate v. ① to admire greatly; to value 欣赏,重视 ② to be thankful or show gratitude for 感谢,感激,对……表示感激 blundern. a usually serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion 谬误,愚蠢的错误 assumption n. something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition 假定 establishment n. any institution, organization, or business 机构,团体,企业 convenience n. the quality of being suitable to one's comfort, purposes, or needs 适合,方便;合适的时间,便利的事物 guarantee v. to assume responsibility for debt, default, or miscarriage, or the quality or performance of 对……提出担保,约定,许诺 pace n. a manner of walking or running,or the rate of speed at which an activity or a movement proceeds 速度,步调,步法 ideal n. a conception of something in its absolute perfection; an ultimate object of endeavor; a goal 理想,目标 savor v. ① to taste or smell,especially with pleasure (尤指快乐地)品尝,闻 ② to appreciate fully; to enjoy or relish 十分欣赏,玩味或喜欢
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